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  • Carl Campbell - Definitely worth it

    Panel must be easily damaged as the first one arrived with a cracked screen. Amazon replaced instantly though, and I am now using it as an on-the-go/guest gaming-pc screen! Such a great screen for the price. Because it's IPS it's actually better than the 3D Asus TN panel I got a few years back for 1/6 the cost.

  • Cat L. - At least the sex was good

    Far from a psychological suspense novel (as promised).Spoilers: Main character agonizes over her husbands infidelity and the repercussions it will have upon her (mainly) and their family (to a lesser extent). Really implausible relationship with the husband of her husbands mistress. Mostly the book just goes through her self doubt while somehow trying to convince the reader that having some unbelievably hot sex with a relative stranger doesn't seem highly unlikely. You will never find your soul mate stalking someone on Facebook. You can not change into a new person overnight while trying to work out the fact that your dog husband has potentially slept with a murderer. Teenagers are not oblivious to a parents marital meltdown. No one takes a single sleeping pill and finds themselves unable to find the words to confront a cheating spouse. This was a chick flick romance novel.

  • Cheryl Jaeger - Workhorse with benefits!

    I have gone thru a lot of diffusers. Some last a while, some not, some have all the bells and whistles, some don't. This one falls right in the middle of the bells and whistles catagory and so far has been up to the working challenge too. It has colored lights-check, and and automatic shut off, very important - check, but my favorite feature so far is the fact that you can have the mist on all the time or just intermittent. It depends on what oil I am diffusing and for what purpose how I would prefer to mist so having that option in a button and not manual was a big plus. If it holds up well I would put this squarely in the workhorse category which is the best place to be! I chose to receive this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased opinion.

  • Heidi - In use for one month, no longer works

    I ordered this as a Christmas gift. She got one month of usage. My daughter was using it, the screen went black, and now it turns on, but the screen stays black (with a slight back light). It will not load. Waste of money.

  • Melissa Teegardin - Very happy with information

    I was very happy with the condition of this book when it arrived promptly. The pages were excellent and all the information I needed was there as it should be.

  • Amazon Customer - BUYER BEWARE! Complete garbage.

    Ive owned this program for about 9 months. At first the program worked great however after about 3 months i began getting messages that my firewall wasnt active and my internet protection wasnt on. I contacted the company and they didnt know anything nor how to fix the issues. They ended up doing something to make the issue go away however the program no longer worked correctly. In short this is a terrible program. They added a year to my subscription but im dying to delete this piece of garbage. It is completely worthless and does absolutely nothing. Ive asked for my money back but they simply wont respond to any of my emails. I hate this company and this program is a complete rip off. Im hoping a class action lawsuit is filed against the company. If you dont believe this program is garbage go to the BBB-better business bureau and check out this companies record. Stick with Norton. Its a big program and it takes up your ram but it works. Bitdefender does nothing!!!