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  • M Taylor - Okay, but better as a Duster than a Mop.

    It's an okay mop, but I really was hoping to have more thickness to the fabric, more absorbency and more of the fabric pieces... it feels a bit thin to me and the plastic tends to scrape on the floor. I do like the wringing feature, but with arthritis in my hands, it can become really difficult after just a few wring-outs. I'm not sure I'd buy this again, but for now we're making it work. It does work pretty well for dusting, so if we get another mop at some point, I'll keep this for dusting baseboards and fans.

  • Norsk Gal - Just what I was looking for

    Because my daughter is using pharmaceuticals to manage mental problems I have witnessed her steep decline in both mental and physcial health, including huge weight gain directly caused by prescription drugs. This led me to search for other natural alternatives, and I'm hopeful that in the near future she'll be able to use natural substances that help achieve mental stability without all the "side effects" (really they are direct effects) of prescription medications.

  • Cubbyfan - Maybe if you had an hour with nothing else to do you could eventually trim one nail with this piece of garbage. Back it goes

    Pure junk. Maybe if you had an hour with nothing else to do you could eventually trim one nail with this piece of garbage. Back it goes. Do not buy this., all it did was make a little buzzing noise to make you think it was doing something.

  • smiley - tonalin cla 1200 mg.

    there great ive been taking them alone for about 4 weeks ive lost 10 pounds no exercise no change in eating i don't feel as hungry so i don't eat as much but other than that i don't notice any difference in the way i feel and you don't wanna lose weight to fast anyway it can make your skin saggy if you do...... so i love it i ve tried lots of others my main problem with diet pills are dehydration these don't cause that i just notice when i weigh a couple times a week ive always lost a few pounds 10 pounds a month i figure 5 months 50 pounds less good deal

  • Barbara - You will not regret buying this!!

    Best stuff ever!!! It's for all skin types, but if u are the type with drier skin, I'd used some moisturizer in case it becomes irritating. But the skin will get used to it. And you will forever buy this product. I have my whole family on it. My 60-y.o. Dad uses the entire tub in a month because he loves it so much. And he used to be a Nivea guy. Not anymore!! He looks smooth!!

  • Marya - A bit of a pain but generally ok

    The usual unhappy marriage of convenience between Microsoft and Apple, where the best parts of each are unavailable to the other while they bring out the worst in each other. The Office suite is less elegantly designed & slightly harder to use under Apple's design restrictions, while Apple's own "elegance" interferes with function as well. I'm thinking at the moment about the clunky "ribbon" setup which isn't as clear on the Mac as it is on a PC, but there are too many examples to mention. That said, it works fairly well once you get used to it and if you have a Mac at home and PC at work, it is a necessary evil and it does let you get things done. It really seems to me, though, that in future I'll have to commit one way or the other, and with Apple's other interoperability limitations, it will have to be PC all the way from now on. Sigh.

  • Gentleman Jim - Insightful

    The chapters on splinters are worth the massive expense of the book. In particular the chapters on 'prevention of' and 'removal of' were most informative. BTW, if you have to make a purchase before reading the author's sanguine advice on varieties of wood, let me give you a tip - ebony not pine.