
Circle of Life Women's Center – OBGYN in Weber & Davis County - Circle of Life OBGYN and Women's health in Ogden, Utah. Weber, Davis, and surrounding areas.

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • Arlene Belgrove - Half Real Information

    Half the book concentrated on telling about the writer's history. I thought this was a waste of time and the balance of information was geared towards selling the product.

  • doogie_esq - Why You Should and Should Not Buy This Product

    So obviously you're reading this hoping to understand why you should buy this product and why you shouldn't. And you've read a bunch of reviews and there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. Seem's either people hate it and tell you to beware, or love it and highly recommend it.... so you're confused....correct?