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  • Tommie - Worth it!!

    My mother found out she was diabetic when I was 14yrs old. She was always the "hot mom" up to this point so we were shocked when we found out that diabeties was causing her to "not feel right". Both of us were very athletic and always on the go so we had no idea how to change our diet to fit the lifestyle that she now faced. Unfortunately, she was not very successful with it and ended up gaining a LARGE amount of weight. Over the next 12yrs I watched my mother struggle to stay healthy, fight a yo-yo battle with weight-loss and watched her self-esteem hit the floor. Then, looking back on it now, a miracle happened in the worst way possible. She developed a stomach ulcer that just wouldn't heal because of her sever diabeties. Because of this ulcer my mother had to have 65% of her stomach removed. It was the scariest thing ever but a true blessing in disguse. She basically had a gastric bypass. SHe of course started to lose weight rapidly but even then her diabeties was still uncontrolled. Last year my mother called me, her voice full of concern, the doctors told her she had to get her diabeties under control or she would be dead in a year or two. I panicked! It has always been just me an my mother and I couldn't imagine losing her before her 58th birthday. I began researching diet after diet. They have a TON of diets geared just for diabetics. Don't get me wrong, many of them are great but nothing seemed to work for her. Then one day we sat down and talked about what her challenges really are in a day. We thought, "Maybe we are just looking at this at the wrong angle?". I found the Belly Fat Cure while just cruising through B & N one day and for some reason it caught my eye. I sat down in the aisle and started reading. By the time I got to the recipies I knew I had found the diet that would work for her. I bought the book and never said a word to mom. I wanted to try the diet before I tried explaining it to her. I needed to make sure it was even possible to keep up with. I was able to follow Jorge's 15/6 easier than anything I have ever done in my life. After a week it becomes almost second nature! After two weeks and 25lbs of pure garbage leaving my body, I made the call to mom. I explained the book to her, told her where to find it and paid for her to get it. This book saved my mother's life! after a month of this diet her sugar levels were under control, after 14 YEARS of struggling!!! My mother is back to her beautiful self, her self esteem has come back and now she is healthy again and able to chase her grand-kids! I highly recommend this diet for someone who loves to eat but doesn't know how to eat healthy. The recipies are easy, they taste amazing and if you can get your 15/6 down the rest is a breeze! there is no will power involved in this it is just knowing what foods will poison your body and which ones won't. Best of luck to you all!

  • Zach - Works just as great as more expensive cups from other brands

    Works just as great as more expensive cups from other brands. Keeps my drinks cold and ice solid for 12+ hours easily.

  • KamakazeTaco - Absolutely the best budget smart watch.

    I was worried at first when I bought this. There's SO many Chinese cheapy smart watches with all different prices, but I think this might be one of the better ones. A lot of the ones that cost twice as much as this one can't do what this one does and don't really offer anything worth that kinda price.

  • Elizabeth - Take a hike, absolutely

    My son recently moved to Washington state where, whenever free time is available to him he takes a hike or enjoys climbing so I thought what a nice gift it would make and that it did.

  • antoinette - Finally -truth spoken with action to be taken

    They Fired the First Shot 2012 speaks volumes of what is occurring in our nation. If you are confused by all the different "voices" out there, this is a TRUE and LEADING voice in our time. So many books are out there that tell us what is coming! Finally, a book that speaks the truth, and follows it with step by step instructions on what you can do to move our nation back to the ideals of its founding fathers. Please do not skip over any parts--read it completely through. When I was in the middle of the book, it was so intense, I thought I would actually physically become sick because of what is seemed out of our control. Thankfully, the book brings back hope and guidance to where we physically and spiritually need to be as we see our future changing. LOVED IT!!!!!!! GREAT READ!!!! DOCUMENTED TRUTH!!!!

  • sheila kennedy - Ballerina's and Bad Assery!

    I love Dare! He lives next door to a homebody. He can hear her through his wall...they develop a relationship...and what a fun ride it is. Can you date through a wall? Well..sorta. The next book in the series ISH is one that will leave you saying Awww! OMG! and melting your heart all at the same time. Dare is a new level of Bad Ass!

  • Faith Navarro - Lego Advent Calendar ~ City

    Sent this to our grandson . . . . he is a Lego Maniac. Last year he did the star wars one. This one was just as fun for him. Every morning, when he woke up, this was the first thing he did. He loved it!