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    Saw the infomercial for WEN and figured I would try it. My hair is like straw from all the coloring I've done. Even the stuff my hairdresser puts on my hair leaves it dry and nasty looking after about a week.

  • BluesDuke - It lets you make lead sheets or scores so easy to read that a child of five couldn't possibly ...

    Whether you want to write simple lead sheets or complete scores, you won't find anything as user friendly as this program. The simplicity of its navigation and tools is remarkable. It lets you make lead sheets or scores so easy to read that a child of five couldn't possibly miss what you intended. (Now, if only someone would send in a child of five . . . )

  • Michael Shellem - Exactly what it is gear oil. I drained and ...

    Exactly what it is gear oil. I drained and replace the diff. Cover on a 2001 Silverado with the 3.73 g80 locker and it took just under 3 bottles.