
Drugstore in the Philippines - The Generics Pharmacy - The Generics Pharmacy aims to help Filipinos, especially the underprivileged, to gain better access to quality and affordable drugs and health information. Find out more.

  • Medicine Products - The Generics Pharmacy - Take a look at The Generics Pharmacy's range of medicine products and supplies.
  • Blog | The Generics Pharmacy PhilippinesThe Generics Pharmacy Philippines | The Generics Pharmacy Philippines aims to help Filipinos, especially the underprivileged, to gain better access to quality and affordable drugs and health information. Find out more. - The Generics Pharmacy Philippines aims to help Filipinos, especially the underprivileged, to gain better access to quality and affordable drugs and health information. Find out more.
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  • WiscoProud - Great for the home electrician

    I'm in the process of replacing the outlets in my home and this is great for checking them out to make sure everything is correct. I also use mine to double check I hit the right breaker before digging in.

  • David - Great Card Program to Save Money in the Long Run!

    I love this card program for its easy of use! At first I thought it wasn't going to work with my Windows 8 as it wasn't loading, even after 20 minutes. I talked to the technical support people and they said it could take one hour which is what it took on my computer. I don't have a slow computer! It's a new Dell with 2 TB hard-drive, 8 GB RAM and 3.1 g hz on the speed. I like the over 3000 cards they offer in the program. I am a little disappointing they don't have more photo type pictures available. Instead, it seems over 90% are drawings. Other than these two negative things I do like the program and a person can develop their own custom made card quite easily.

  • Alex - Great tv, but Amazon Video NOT supported.

    I purchased the Costo version a few days ago and after tweeking the factory picture settings, am impressed so far with this TV.

  • Savina Venkova - Copy of previous editions of GRE workbooks, CD has no practice tests.

    I was disappointed with this book, because I thought I was buying something different from previous versions of the same book. Instead, I got the same book as I bought before and a CD containing a lot of fluff about how not to be stressed before an exam, but no actual practice tests.

  • Capcityadam - Updated (9/10/2015) Tall parents need room in the front seat!

    I'll preface this early review with the fact that I haven't actually installed the seat yet, but will update after I put it into use later this week. As for the reason for purchase of the Maxi Cosi Pria 70, aside from wanting a well reviewed, high quality convertible car seat, I also needed one that specifically fit rear-facing in an 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I'm tall (6'5") and my wife is tall (5'9") so to comfortably ride in the front seat, the seats need to be pushed back significantly. I ran into an issue with this for our infant car seat and we ended up getting a Chicco Keyfit that worked perfectly in the middle seat (Jeep and Chicco allow you to latch on to the inside hooks on the outside seats. Knowing the convertible seat was going to be a huge issue while rear facing, I did a ton of research and found a site that ranked the top car seats by "space grade". The Maxi Cosi Pria, Chicco Next Fit, Britax Mathon and Boulevard and Graco Size4Me, were some of the top performers. The Maxi Cosi was the clubhouse leader though with 2.5 inches more room than the Britax Boulevard. Couple that with a great sale price on Amazon with the always reliable Prime shipping and returns and we had a winner.


    I have a Sony Vaio Flip 13 with an 256 Gb M2 format SATA Hard Drive. It filled up so I purchased a 512 Gb Crucial M550 replacement drive. Following Crucial's advice, I purchased True Image 2015 to clone my old drive to the new drive.