
The Dudes Club - The Magazine for Dudes interested in Sex & Dating, proper Nutrition, Fitness, Business, Sports and more.

  • How Richard Went From Loser To Ladies Man (And How You Can Do The Same) - Richard La Ruina, a guy who was once a 24 year old who had only kissed one girl, discovered these 7 unconscious triggers in a dusty old ...
  • Unleash Your Inner Animal And Become RIPPED! - Beneath the body type of every man is the potential for a body that Adonis, the Greek demigod of beauty and desire, would absolutely revere. Get it now!
  • 5 Poker Tips That Will Turn You Into a Pro - Tired of losing every hand of poker that you play? How can you ook like you know what you're doing, even when you fold? Up your ante with these poker tips.
  • How To Seriously Kill Gross Flabby Stomach Fat - The most effective way to burn stubborn stomach fat and build a six-pack are surprisingly unconventional. Here are the top tips for how to really lose fat.
  • 4 Tips on How to Beat the Casino - The casinos have stacked the decks in their favor—literally. Here are some tips that will even the odds against the house and let you beat the casino.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -84.4613 Georgia, United States

  • Starla Sharp - What a great reel for pro's and amateurs

    This reel has exceeded my expectations in baitcasting reels. What a great reel for pro's and amateurs.

  • noah677 - DO NOT BUY THIS KIT if you own a camaro ZL1 MODIFIED 7/20/13

    This kit does not work in the Camaro ZL1, at least if you have the back up sensors and camera. I have had years of experience in installing these kind of things in cars. Installed properly, it set off all bells and lights, radio not work, back system dead. Fortunately all returned to normal upon removing it. I bought mine from Southern Corvette Parts located in GA. Make sure whoever you buy from has a good return policy

  • patmo - I'm not convinced

    I have hardwood on all my floors including the kitchen. I have always used a very dilute white vinegar/water solution wrung out very well-- just barely damp. My floors were always beautiful. A house cleaning company convinced me to use Bona for hardwood floors-- what a mistake! In the kitchen area the dirt and grease was being spread around but not actually cleaned up, and the floor looked like it was a century old. The rest of the floors also began to look dull with a film on them. I tried the refinishing polish Bona sells to fix it. What a disaster that was-- this product is like a floor wax, which does not go well over a poly floor. After 24hours it was still tacky and also turned white, with streaks everywhere. It took me 10 hours on my hands and knees with Krud Kutter and amonia, a plastic scraper, a box of 200 paper rags and a laundry load of towels to get that crap off my floors. At least then I was back to the dull finish, but that shows every foot print and water spot. I went back to my white vinegar/water and with three moppings today, followed by a microfiber mop buffing the floor while it was still wet and it now appears less dull and is looking pretty good. I am hoping that over time this dull finish will come off completely. While I was mopping with the vinegar and water I noticed immediately a "slime" of Bona and the water was gray. My advice-- stay away from this stuff if you don't know what kind of finish is on your floor and if it is compatible-- I have an engineered wood floor (ash) with a poly finish. Try a small area first and be patient-- the film doesn't show up after the first or second use and is very difficult to get that stuff off the floor.