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City: 16.3667 , Austria

  • Erika Zivelonghi - ... as well as open up my older files very easily. The only trouble I may see in the ...

    I'm not a hundred percent sure why a lot of people are having trouble with the downloads and executing the program period I have Windows 7 and I have no trouble downloading it nor do I have any trouble accessing it on my computer each of the four files open properly and I can create new files as well as open up my older files very easily. The only trouble I may see in the future is if I decide to get rid of my laptop and want to actually put this program on a newer laptop I may have to get Windows involved. Otherwise it's advertised for one computer and that's how I plan to use it.

  • Wood Rat IV - Quality at a price.

    Knives are emotionally charged for some reason with each individual insisting to the death he/she is right. We have owned Cutco for many years and considered them one of our better investments. The Factory is great to work with for sharpening at a very good price. You should sharpen them every -3 -5 years and don't let anybody but the factory near them. Any knife needs to be sharpened as a dull knife is dangerous because of the force needed to use it. With Cutco you have a place to send them . With others it's a guess where to go.

  • Templet - Lifetime means Lifetime

    I began using Stopzilla several years ago because I had a persistent infection that nothing else could find. Stopzilla found it and I've been a fan ever since. In fact I liked it so much that I bought a lifetime subscription for my 2 main PCs. If you plan to use it for more than 2 years, you might investigate this. The lifetime subscription covers version upgrades as well as database updates and you can move the subscription to other PCs so long as the total in use at any one time doesn't exceed the number you paid for. I just upgraded to version 7.0 with no problem.

  • Lincoln Andrews - not worth the money

    I could not get past the first few pages. A truly vile, misguided summory of someone hell bent on spreading discontent amongst a society well known for warmth and acceptance. From the pages I did read it seemed to give the impression of Mein Kampf interwoven with fanatacism. I could not read any further as this book is just fuel for bigots, sexists, homophobes and serves as s negative for those with faith. This book is an embarrassment and clearly written for self promotion and some sort of deluded political stand against democracy and human equality. I got a refund and told the store this book was like pre school nazism for dummys. As a piece of political writing very amateur

  • Andrea - Enjoy!

    This is a review for the NONPAREIL Extendable Aluminum Trekking & Hiking Pole - Telescoping Walking Stick for the Great Outdoors.

  • Shoppah617 - What was I thinking!!!!! Messy

    I must have had a stroke or been drunk or something because normally I'm not a vanity case, but I saw this on youtube and thought it might help hide my thinning crown. Instead, it was a BIG HOT MESS! This stuff got all over the place (floating aloft)and did not stick to the scalp well. Also, It would be a chore to use this on a daily basis. There is no way to cover up a bald spot unless it is done surgically. I was not satisfied with this product at all, I will own my thinning crown from now on.