www.barthsyndrome.org Review:



Barth Syndrome Foundation - Home - The Barth Syndrome Foundation, together with our affiliates, is a community of families, physicians, scientists, donors and volunteers around the world. As our mission statement says, we are dedicated to saving lives through education, advances in treatment, and finding a cure for Barth syndrome. Working together we are making a difference in the lives of children and their families. One day there will be a cure; we hope you will help us make that day come sooner.

  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/about-barth-syndrome Barth Syndrome Foundation - Overview of Barth Syndrome - Barth syndrome (BTHS; OMIM #302060) is a rare, serious genetic disorder primarily affecting males around the world. It is caused by a mutation in the tafazzin gene (TAZ, also called G4.5), resulting in an inborn error of lipid metabolism. Though not always present, cardinal characteristics of this multi-system disorder often include combinations and varying degrees of cardiomyopathy (dilated with variable myocardial hypertrophy, sometimes with left ventricular noncompaction and/or endocardial fibroelastosis); neutropenia (chronic, cyclic, or intermittent); underdeveloped skeletal musculature and muscle weakness; growth delay (abnormal growth pattern, similar to but often more severe than constitutional growth delay); exercise intolerance; cardiolipin abnormalities; and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria (typically 5 to 20-fold increased).
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/science--medicine/research-grant-program Barth Syndrome Foundation - Research Grant Program - Barth Syndrome Foundation Request for Research Proposals. BSF and its affiliates sponsor a competitive research grant program to facilitate advances in Barth syndrome understanding and to encourage the discovery of new treatments. Grant applications are evaluated by BSF�s international Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, with input from expert outside reviewers.
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/bsf-international/deutsch Barth Syndrome Foundation - Deutsch ~ Barth Syndrom - Wir streben Leben zu retten, durch Bildung, Fortschritte in der Behandlung, und durch Suche nach einem Heilverfahren f�r Barth Syndrom. Wir sind eine registrierte gemeinn�tzige Organisation in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, S�dafrika und Gro�britannien.
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/bsf-international/Espanol Barth Syndrome Foundation - Espa�ol ~ Bienvenidos a la Fundaci�n del S�ndrome de Barth - Estamos dedicamos a salvar vidas por medio de educaci�n, avances en tratamiento, y la b�squeda de una cura para el s�ndrome de Barth. Estamos inscritos como organizaci�n sin fines de lucro en los Estados Unidos, Canad�, Sud�frica e Inglaterra. El s�ndrome de Barth es una enfermedad seria ligada al cromosoma X y que afecta principalmente a varones. Los s�ntomas incluyen uno o m�s de los siguientes, con diferentes grados de severidad: miocardiopat�a (m�sculo card�aco d�bil), neutropenia (sistema inmune d�bil), debilidad muscular, y crecimiento retrasado. Lea m�s acerca de �stos y otros posibles s�ntomas.
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/bsf-international/francais Barth Syndrome Foundation - Fran�ais ~ Bienvenue � la Barth Syndrome Foundation - Nous nous consacrons � sauver des vies gr�ce � l�information, aux avanc�es dans les traitements et � la recherche d�un rem�de contre le Syndrome de Barth. Nous sommes reconnus par l�Etat comme une organisation � but non lucratif en France, aux Etats-Unis, au Canada, en Afrique du Sud et au Royaume-Uni. Le Syndrome de Barth est une grave maladie g�n�tique li�e � l�X, qui touche essentiellement les gar�ons. Elle se manifeste par un ou plusieurs des sympt�mes suivants, � diff�rents degr�s : cardiomyopathie (faiblesse du muscle cardiaque), neutrop�nie (d�ficience du syst�me immunitaire), faiblesse musculaire et retard de croissance. Vous trouverez sur ce site des informations suppl�mentaires � propos de ces sympt�mes et d�autres sympt�mes possibles.
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/bsf-international/italiano Barth Syndrome Foundation - Italiano ~ Benvenuti alla Fondazione sulla Sindrome di Barth - La sindrome di Barth � una grave malattia genetica, la cui trasmissione � legata al cromosoma X, che colpisce principalmente il sesso maschile. I sintomi caratteristici della sindrome di Barth, che possono variare a seconda dei soggetti colpiti, sono i seguenti : cardiomiopatia (ridotta funzionalit� del muscolo cardiaco), neutropenia (indebolimento del sistema immunitario), debolezza muscolare e ritardato accrescimento. Leggete sulla sezione sintomi ulteriori dettagli.
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/bsf-international/nederlands Barth Syndrome Foundation - Nederlands ~ Nederlandse startpagina Barth Syndroom - Wij wijden ons aan het redden van levens door educatie, verbetering van behandeling en het vinden van een remedie tegen het Barth syndroom. Wij zijn geregistreerd als non-profit organisatie in de Verenigde Staten, Canada, Zuid-Afrika en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het Barth syndroom is een ernstige X-gebonden erfelijke aandoening, die vooral jongens en mannen treft. De symptomen kunnen zich in verschillende mate van ernst voordoen en kunnen ��n of meer van de volgende zijn: cardiomyopathie (hartafwijking), neutropenie (verminderde weerstand tegen infecties), spierzwakte en een groeiachterstand. Lees meer over deze en andere mogelijke symptomen.
  • https://www.barthsyndrome.org/bsf-international/portugues Barth Syndrome Foundation - Portugu�s ~ Bem vindo � Funda��o do Sindroma de Barth - O nosso objectivo � salvar vidas atrav�s da educa��o, evolu��o nos tratamentos e procuramos a cura para o sindroma de Barth.

    Country:, North America, CA

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  • Shelly - Overall good product

    This bathmat is very well made. You can tell just by picking it up and how heavy it is that it is not cheap made. But I can't get mine to suction to the bottom of my shower for some reason? There are a bunch of tiny suction cups on the bottom of the mat but they dont fully suction the way I had pictured them doing. It doesn't slide around at all though so I'm not too worried about it. It is pretty comfortable to stand on too which is nice! Definitely can't complain about that. The only real complaint I have is that it isn't very stain resistant. When I was placing it in my shower my 1year old came and stepped all over it with her dirty little feet and I can't for the life of me get that dirt to come off. So my advice to anyone whi purchases this, make sure you dont get it dirty at all or it will stay looking that way.

  • A. Smith - Nice enough for the price

    They are ok. The casting is a bit rough. They work though. The roll-up is bigger than I thought, but not huge.

  • Rence - Great look on a budget!

    I was very hapy with the results of this product. The DVD instructions were very helpful. The key is in the prep work. The instructions tell you to steel wool the couter before priming, but I would recommend sanding with 180 or 220 grit sand paper for better adhesion. It seems to be pretty durable but anything that you paint on will not be as durable as the original surface. One kit will probably cover 2/3 of what the package tells you.

  • PAUL MCNEIL - You never know what's coming next

    I've been a fan of the Best American Nonrequired Reading series for a while, and this year is probably one of the most solid collections in the series. There is the usual grab bag of interesting and funny excerpts at the beginning, and articles and short stories after. There are a few that don't quite hit their mark, but some of it has stuck with me in the months since I read it. For example, "Casino" haunted me with its distillation of a parent's greatest fears, "Human Snowball" was full of serendipity, and "The Blind Faith of the One-Eyed Matador" shows human determination at its most impressive and foolhardy. My guess is, with this varied assortment, different readers will latch on to different pieces, but there's something for everyone. You never really know what will come next, and that's the fun of these collections.

  • KatieAnne - Don't expect to shed pounds with this alone, but it helps!

    Definitely helps with appetite control. Starts working immediately. I only use these capsules- I don't do the shakes or DFT patches (the patches make me nauseous). But I have noticed a difference in terms of appetite control and energy levels using these capsules. A little pricey, and I don't think you can expect to start shedding pounds on this alone. However, when I watch my diet, exercise, and take these, it was MUCH easier to focus and lose weight. I'm the kind of person who will think about food ALL DAY LONG. When will I eat, what will I eat, etc etc. With these capsules, I don't think about food as often, and I'm able to stop eating by 7pm without much effort, which is great for me!

  • D. Ortiz - Perfect for content review.

    The book is perfect for reviewing the MCAT content. It was worth every penny spent and I would highly recommend it for any student ready to take the big test.

  • Curatolo Cristina - BLU Vivo 4.3

    I get this phone 2 days ago and I love it : colors, sound, connection speed using bloothoth. I used it today 6 hours with all features on (email/ facebook/ high quality image and video, install/ uninstall apps/ ,gps,transfere videos/ photos/ set up online music library... (heavy use) and my battery is at 55%.