Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients API & Intermediate Manufacturing Company India - CTX Lifesciences is an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and Intermediate Manufacturing Company having cGMP facility located in Surat, India.
Country:, Asia, IN
City: 77 , India
I really hate it when someone writes a book to promote their "other" business - which in this case is several other businesses, one of which being the supplements. That being said, I was able to find my own supplements on Amazon that met the requirements (he does list the actual nutrients and amounts needed) for a much lower price.
When we first set it up we tried it with my daughters African American Magic Jewel Ken Doll and Barbie Princess of the Nile Doll but they were pulled out of line before the security checkpoint and taken to a back room for "processing."
i have damp rid products already and this was a better buy for the price and size. The product came in a timely manner and was not defective. the package was not opened and the damp rid is not solid, but still crystal form. Damp rid works great for closets and room for soaking up moisture in humid areas.