www.rmdsa.org Review:



Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association - The mission of Mile High Down Syndrome Association is to assure inclusion and enhance independence of people with Down syndrome.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • N. Ferguson R. - a lot to love, a lot to learn-- amazing possibilities for digital artists

    What's new with Painter in the 2015 release? One major thing and some more minor tweaks. The major innovation is what Corel calls "physics-inspired Particle Brushes". These can be used both with the clone painting format that Painter has been advancing in the last few releases, as well as to create original work. Essentially these particle brushes allow for increasingly wild brush stroke variations--these new options described as "springing, flowing, glowing, and gravitating onto the canvas". Painter continues to offer an overwhelming selection of realistic-looking "Natural Media" brushes. The variety and number of natural medium brushes and new particle brushes give this program a significant edge over other digital painting software. A new brush tracking utility also controls pressure sensitive memory for each brush. Users of previous versions will appreciate the upgrades.

  • Stardust - Very impressed!

    I'm an herbalist and I've been drinking raspberry leaf, yarrow and shepherd's purse tea for heavy periods with only mediocre results. Really, I can only drink so many cups a day! I found this blend and decided to give it a try. I take a serving every 6 hours or so and the flow has lightened up about 50%. I hope next cycle I see a 75% improvement, but I'll take what I can get!

  • T. Hyde - Fine product

    This item does a close shave, even better than I have had with a blade. It also runs quieter than my hair trimmers.

  • Frederick J. Patterson - It's a great mill. Easy to load pepper into

    It's a great mill. Easy to load pepper into. The squeeze handle is easy to squeeze with arthritic hands. Seems very well constructed & hoping it last a long time. It does what it's supposed to do. Happy with it.