Review: - This is a Value Report about, Giving it a value upwards of $36 USD by our system, Comprehensive reference data Include:Alexa Rank, Google Rank, Search Engine and Social Media.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States

  • Tyron - Best 4k TV for the money

    I am a bit of a audio/video-phile and must say, this is an awesome product. I purchased this TV expecting to settle for a middle of the line picture and substandard features. I couldn't have been more wrong, the picture quality on this TV is outstanding. I understand that it doesn't have the best grey picture uniformity or the most noticeable HDR color reproduction, but you know, that really doesn't matter, because it's not something anyone is going to notice in 99% of TV/Movie watching scenarios. The colors are bright and vibrant, way better than my more expensive 1080p Samsung from 4 years ago (which also cost more money). Black contrast and uniformity is outstanding. I can never notice the backlight/bleeding when credits are rolling. I can't believe this is a standard LED TV and not a quantum pixel or OLED TV.

  • Gully Art - HOT!

    I order this for my grand mother in law. Not for her cellulite but more for her muscle and pain relief. So far she likes it. I smells similar to all the other pain relief rubs on the market. but she says it helps her with her aches. so my wife is super happy that it gives her relief. its a pretty large tub of hot cream so I think it'll last a long time. you don't need much for it to work.

  • OrlandoShopper - Reminding us all of what we are supposed to be doing

    I'm blaming any typo on the fact that I am writing this on a smart phone keyboard. Athols advice is on point. I just got married; it's the second time, and simply wanted to see his point of view. As I read the book, I realized that these are all things me and my friends always did when we were in our 20s. It's a good thing to be reminded especially after 18 years in the aftermath of a failed marriage that has succeeded in suppressing a whole lot of nessecary relationshipAlpha behavior. The funny thing is that at work I am the home I had become compromised in the attempt to keep a marriage together without recognizing all of those "tests" for what they are. The key message that I received, even though it may not have been intended, was that even though society and our women may act as if we are supposed to become "betaized" (Athols and others terminology from the so-called "manosphere"), it is clear to me that it is not makes the majority of relationships stay healthy. It seems that for the most part , he has it right but I can't help but to think he has simplified things greatly. He also seems to be quite clear that some marriages need to end. I agree; but, again, it sometimes is not quite that simple. It is noted however that this is not supposed to be a book on how to end a marriage . For those who have found themselves made "wimpy" by the expectations of society as well as the perception that their wives need us to be that way, his book is key. Beware not to become a misogynist though. One thought: Implementing what Athol is espousing will require a great amount of self discipline as well as hard work on oneself. My experience has been that he is majorly correct ; especially since I recently, in the last 3 years, went through the transformation that he discusses. For me, it started out of raw need; I was out of shape, he'd forgotten how to attract by merely relying on my presence and was too eager to do what any reasonably sucessful man with a good salary tends to do: emphasize his immediate and visible trappings thinking that it will attract women. Well it does, but for reasons that, as Athol explains, many will regret. It makes you only as useful or 'dersireable' as far as your money will go. It is much more awe-inspiring, confidence building, easier, hotter, fascinating and intriguing to do it the primitive way. That is, be more of a man, unapologetically masculine. This may mean herd work for those who 'need' this book. But it is worth it. You will be awkward at first. You will make mistakes. You might get discouraged. But the first time some hot woman turns her head to look at you walk by, the first time some chick at work touches your arm while talking about nothing that warrants it, the first time in a long time your wife acts overtly 'submissive' to you, you will know that you are on he right path.

  • Jordan - Works great, use it all the time

    Works great, use it all the time. Can usually get 8 balls to fit onto it. Being able to adjust the spring tension and the angle it comes from is wonderful. Being able to plug it in or use the battery comes in handy for fields or cages where no outlets are available.

  • Carolyn11 - love it!

    I've always wanted to try Wen, but haven't because of the price. So naturally when I saw Hair One, at a fraction of the price... I didn't hesitate to buy it!