
Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Home - Anchor Drugs has been family owned for over 30 years and serves a local trade area and is a truly community-based pharmacy.

  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : What is Compounding? - Compounding combines an ageless art with the latest medical knowledge and technology, allowing professionals to prepare customized medications.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Pain Management - Pain management is essential because even when the underlying disease process is stable.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Hormone Therapy for Women - Our compounding specialists work together with patients and prescribers to provide customized hormone therapy to meet each woman's specific needs.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Hormone Therapy for Men - Symptoms of testosterone deficiency include, fatigue, reduced libido, depressed mood, loss of energy, erectile dysfunction and aches and pains.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Adrenal Dysfunction/Thyroid Imbalance - The adrenal glands secrete hormones that are essential to health and vitality and significantly affect total body function.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Hospice/Assisted Living - Hospice Assisted Living requires making a patient as comfortable as possible, by relieving pain, by simplifying the intake of medication.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Pediatrics - We work together with practitioners, children, and their families to customize medications and meet specific needs.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Podiatry - Podiatrists and other health care professionals encounter numerous problems that may be helped with compounded medications.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Sports Medicine - We work together with athletes, coaches, trainers, team physicians and physical therapistsand other health care professionals to customize medications which meet specific needs.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Wound Care - We customize medications to meet each individual’s specific wound care needs.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Miscellaneous - Propranolol hydrochloride is a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart disease, pheochromocytoma, and certain types of tremors.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Dentistry - We work together with dentists and their patients to solve problems using customized medications.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Dermatology - Our compounding professionals can prepare individualized therapies for a myriad of dermatologic problems.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Veterinary - Veterinary compounding can make medicating animals easier if the pharmacist prepares flavored chews that animals accept readily.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Hormone Replacement Therapy - Customized Hormone Replacement Therapy has improved the quality of life for millions of women who suffer from hormonal imbalance.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Adrenal Fatigue - Unfortunately, today, many individuals suffer from Adrenal Fatigue, and can not respond appropriately when they receive the signal.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Thyroid Imbalance - Thyroid Hormone helps the body convert food into energy and heat, regulates body temperature, and impacts many hormonal systems in the body.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are illnesses that often coexist and affect millions of Americans.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Osteoporosis - The Silent Disease - Osteoporosis is a painful, crippling disease characterized by low bone density, but it is both preventable and treatable.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Skin Care - After a proper analysis reveals areas of dry, oily, or aging skin, we can provide the appropriate correction for each skin type in a cosmetic base.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : Hormone Testing - Convenient home collection, accurate, and inexpensive, Saliva Testing provides a true picture of the bioavailable levels of steroid hormones.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : For the Man in Your Life - When hormones are replaced or restored back to physiologic levels considered normal for younger males, men may experience a dramatic reversal of many of these changes.
  • Anchor Drugs Pharmacy : About Us - Anchor Drugs Pharmacy carries a full line of medications and accepts most insurance plans.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

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    Great product, came sooner than expected. Fit and finish are nice. Love how the rear liner goes or the middle hump in the back seat. Quality is great.

  • Amazon Customer - Terrific 2 in 1 product!

    I prefer sheer/light make-up and this feels great and looks good all day long. I have tried to simplify my morning routine and cut down on the number of products in my make-up kit. This is your go to for quickly getting out of the house and feeling 'put together'. Add minimal eye liner, mascara and you are set. Feels very light on your skin, soft, but not at all greasy. Do yourself a favor and try it.

  • Blips - This set fixed my water heater and how to determine what is the ECO or Thermostat.

    My water heater board has a LED with a green light on it that would not lit up also gas and electric heat while switched on would not work. Just before it quit working I had to wiggle the thermal cut off to get it to work but that helped only twice, after that the light never came on again it the heater quit working. This kit me with instructions to replace the Thermostat and the ECO (Emergency Cut Off switch.) However it did not say which part was what. On the Thermostat and ECO is a temperature printed in Celsius the Thermostat is the one that says 60 C (That is 140 degrees Fahrenheit) is the thermostat and goes on the right side of the set. The other part is the ECO and it is printed with 82 C (about 180 degrees Fahrenheit) After I installed it and hooked up the cables gas and electric heat worked like before. I'm now a happy camper again.