aprillodge.co.uk Review:


APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE | Dedicated to rescuing the abused, unwanted and abandoned - Welcome to our website, please feel free to have a look around using the links in the menu above. Jeepers Squeakers! September edition This edition includes news on our planned new building, our August Open Day and Fun Show, profiles of charity volunteers, medical appraisal, handling tips and details on our forthcoming fundraising event a Halloween…

  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/adoption/ Adopting a guinea pig | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Most of the guinea pigs that come to April Lodge are in a poor state when they get to us. After a while, and with the correct care, they often end up sociable, healthy, well-balanced little animals. It is April Lodge's policy to encourage rehoming to suitable new owners. We have a clear adoption policy…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/guineapigs/ Guinea pigs for adoption and long-term fostercare | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE -   If you would like to find out more about adopting or fostering a rescue guinea pig, please read our adoption and foster care pages before contacting us. Because guinea pigs get adopted from us every week and yet more get handed over to us we found it was best not to post photos of pigs available…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/faq/companions/ Companions | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Guinea pigs are by nature a colony animal and you should therefore endeavour to pair up your guinea pig with a compatible match. Anecdotally, some guinea pigs are what can only be described as "upset" at losing their friend: in some cases not eating, facing the corner of the hutch and appearing to be depressed…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/fostercare/ Fostercare | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Long term foster-care April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue operates a long-term fostering scheme.  This scheme was designed to help find homes for guinea pigs not suitable for adoption and to free up spaces for those who are. Information about guinea pigs ready to go to new homes is available on our adoption page. Many of…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/adoption/procedure/ Adoption procedure | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - In the first instance, please review our Adoption Application 2016 to ensure you are able to meet the criteria. If you can't, particularly when it comes to size of hutch and where it will be housed, then you may need to re-think whether guinea pigs are right for you. Most of the information you need is…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/rehoming/ Rehoming your guinea pig | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - There are a wide range of reasons why you may feel unable to keep your guinea pig(s). We meet owners every day who need to rehome their animals: it might be that a member of your family has discovered that they are allergic to them, it may be financial pressures or a change in personal circumstances, or…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/boarding/ Boarding | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - All proceeds from our Boarding service goes directly to April Lodge , enabling us to carry on our animal rescue work in the local community. When you go on holiday make sure you leave your guinea pig in the hands of the experts. The welfare of our guinea pigs is of paramount importance to us.…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/ Care | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Accommodation  Adoption and foster care Bathing Boarding Breeding and pregnancy Castration care and advice Clinic and non-surgical sickbay Companions Dental care Diet EMERGENCY MEDICAL GUIDE Euthanasing your guinea pig Frequently asked questions Nail care and clipping Summer care Twilight years Winter care
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/accommodation-guide/ Accommodation and bedding | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - The first decision you need to make is whether your guinea pig is going to live indoors with you or outside in a protected environment. Depending on your living situation and your guinea pigs temperament there are pros and cons for both. Indoor living Guinea Pigs naturally live in warmer climates in South America so…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/faq/bathing-your-guinea-pig/ Bathing your guinea pig | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Bathing your guinea pig is not only essential to his well-being, it is also an excellent way for you to build a trusting relationship. You should bath your guinea pig at least every two months, or more often if his coat is looking particularly oily. Avoid bathing too often in the cold, winter months unless he…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/breeding/ Breeding and pregnancy | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - The charity does not deal directly with breeding guinea pigs, apart from taking in unwanted, pregnant sows and their litters.  However, you may find some of the following information useful for guinea pig pregnancy. Puberty: Sows - 4 weeks, Boars  - 6 Weeks Ideal breeding age: 5-6 months Gestation period: 63 - 75 days First litter size: 1-3 Subsequent Litters: 3-6 Birth…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/castration/ Castration | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Castration care and advice, by Val Savage R.H.A. Castration is not a guarantee that boars will not fight. You can have as many females as you can accommodate with one castrated boar. The guinea pig should be on his feet within 10 minutes of surgery. Keep the castrated guinea pig clean and warm for 4 weeks…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/clinic/ Clinic | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Over the years, we have often brought one or two of our residents indoors if they were under the weather so we could keep them under close observation. This might be so that we could keep them on towels or vetbed looking for signs of blood in the urine or any other problem which would…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/dental-care-for-your-guinea-pig/ Dental Care for your Guinea Pig | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - There are a many dental issues possible in guinea pigs. Because Guinea pigs teeth grow throughout their lives, many dental problems can be avoided by regular abrasive food, like dry feed, pellets, hay and gnawing toys and apple twigs.   To keep the teeth trimmed, It is vital that your guinea pig munches as much as possible,…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/diet/ Diet | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Guinea pigs eat for around 16 hours a day: make sure it's the right stuff! The key to a good diet is variety. Guinea pigs thrive on a varied, quality diet consisting of 80% hay, a variety of vegetables, a little fruit and a chemical-free dry feed. For a quick reference guide to what vegetables your guinea…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/emergency-medical-guide/ Emergency medical guide | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Why is my guinea pig unwell? All the information below is based on an adult guinea pig weighing around 1kg. Often, symptoms are hard to spot, so this information is to help you identify an illness early on and is not intended to replace the opinion of a veterinary surgeon. If you have any concerns…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/guinea-pigs-and-exercise/ Guinea Pigs and exercise | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - We worry about guinea pigs that do not go into a grass run for natural fodder (grass), exercise and frolicking.  It is not natural to spend their whole lives, or the majority of their time, in a confined space. We hear of people who only put them out "on good days"......well, that narrows it down…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/euthanasing-your-guinea-pig/ Euthanasing Your Guinea Pig | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Euthanasia is a term used for being put to sleep or destroyed. If your vet says "it might be kinder to have your guinea pig put to sleep" be sure it is for the right reason. It could be that the guinea pig has an irreversible condition which is causing great pain and suffering. The…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/faq/ FAQ | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Frequently asked questions Below are some questions that we are asked on a frequent basis. Please check here to see if your question has already been answered, and you might also find our emergency medical guide useful if you are concerned that your guinea pig may be sick. We are happy to give advice either by email at…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/handling/ Handling | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - There is no doubt that the more you handle your guinea pig the more sociable he will become.  It is quite a pleasant experience to be able to flop in an armchair at the end of a busy day knowing you can get your guinea pig out for a cuddle and he is not going…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/nail-clipping/ Nail clipping | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Guinea pigs have four nails on each front foot and three on each back foot. Some also have an extra claw, often at the rear and often dangling. It could be caused through in-breeding and needs to be taken off by a vet. Each nail has a blood supply, called the quick, just like human nails. On white…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/predators/ Predators | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Predators include, foxes, rats, some birds, some cats, and even some children. We would advise you to never leave your guinea pigs out at night in a run or hutch. Indoor accommodation If your guinea pig is housed indoors, your dog or cat may present a problem. However endearing your guinea pig and you dog or…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/accommodation-guide/caring-for-guinea-pigs-in-summer/ Caring for guinea pigs in summer | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Guinea pigs are very susceptible to temperatures over 80 degrees Fahrenheit/27 Celsius and you need to ensure your guinea pig is kept at a comfortable temperature during the summer (May to September). If you do not ensure that your guinea pig is kept cool enough he may suffer from heat exhaustion, and death may occur in…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/the-twilight-years/ The twilight years | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - At four years and over, we would class guinea pigs as aged - the time when they need a little more care and attention.  Just like us, they get stiff joints, dental issues, renal problems, dietary issues and more, as well as being more susceptible to the damp and cold. First and foremost, it is…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/rescue-sanctuary/retirement-home/ Retirement Home | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - APRIL LODGE RETIREMENT HOME   Hi, I’m Carole. I started assisting Val one morning a week back in February 2008. I was initially referred to her by the Cambridge Cavy Trust when I needed someone to have a look at my poorly g-p, Parsley. I was really impressed by the work Val was doing and…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/care/caring-for-guinea-pigs-in-winter/ Winter care | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - Guinea pigs should not be kept outside during the cold, wet months as they are very susceptible to the damp. Remember that they originate from South America, and their little bodies are not adapted to the cold, damp weather of northern Europe. Their accommodation should be either indoors or at the very least in a shed or…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/support/ Support us | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue is a registered charity and we need your support to allow us to continue helping guinea pigs. In 2013, April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue was very grateful to receive a grant of £10,000 from the Support Adoption for Pets charitable trust, allowing us to build a new shelter, clinic and…
  • https://aprillodge.co.uk/support/donate/ Make a donation to April Lodge | APRIL LODGE GUINEA PIG RESCUE - April Lodge is a registered charity (no. 1121002) and we rely entirely on donations o rescue and rehome abandoned, unwanted, and neglected guinea pigs. We provide ongoing support to new owners, and do everything we can to ensure that the animals in our care go on to have a happy life in a new home. If they are not…

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  • Timothy Galfas II - As good as the previous versions but disappointing

    Streets and Trips is important for many mapping and geographical reasons for anyone in marketing, traveling or simply wanting to know what is where. The edition I received came with plain Jane neutral color tool bar, [The universal sort of earth tone color was reminiscent of Stalinist era bland on Russian documents] no intuitive changing of default icons, many test addresses still not updated since 2010. The company's published balance sheet indicates they have the financial resources to have made some significant advances. This just is not it. Maybe next year.

  • SueBob - Blondes must have this!

    If you're a blond -- natural or otherwise --, you'll be very happy with John Frieda's shampoo and conditioner, Blonde Color Renew. These 2 products keep my color true and bright up until my next coloring appointment. Alas, they're hard to find in most stores, so I always get them from amazon at a great price. I recommend all Frieda's products made especially for blondes.

  • B-Mon30 - Soft and NOT brassy!

    I have dark blonde to light brown hair that I get blonde highlights in about once every 6-8 weeks. I do have well water, but it's softened and not very "hard" at all. Every so often, I notice that my blonde starts to look a little brassy ("orangey"), and it really takes away from the beautiful job my colorist does. She had recommended Paul Mitchel violet shampoo, but was always out of stock. I happened to be at the drug store and saw this on sale, so I picked up both the shampoo & conditioner.