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  • Gabriel - It will change your body, It made me get ...

    It will change your body, It made me get lean muscle mass. And I felt and looked stronger. I will make this my official nutrition supplement.

  • David B - Concept seems great but did not work today for me

    You want a new way to get caffeine in your body, so you see this stick that you stir in the drink. This is the pureLYFT Energy Stir Sticks - Clean Caffeine Supplement - Zero Calories - All Natural (1 Package, 6 Sticks) from pureLyft. I will admit I was intrigued by this product and wanted to give it a shot because I always get tired at work and want a product to wake up/feel more energetic that has no real side effects or afternoon jitters. I said why not try this out and see for myself since it seems from here most people are fans. Well I used it today for the first time and peeled the label off and stuck in my drink of choice and stirred for 10 seconds like the directions said. I was adding this to an already sweet drink but wanted to see if I felt less tired. I really wanted to love this product but I still felt really tired even after waiting a couple of hours. I did not get any afternoon jitters which is a good thing and I did not have any bad side effects so that is also a good thing. But it did not wake me up, or do anything for that matter. Then I tried taking it again, an hour ago and still do not feel anything. So not sure why it does not give me any energy but I am still really tired and have no motivation at the moment. So I cannot give this a 5 stars but I can say no jitters or bad side effects which I am glad of. It does not have any calories either which some would love that too. But for me I will try the rest o the 6 pack as it has not hurt me in any way but not sure if I can recommend this until I see it working. I know nothing will do magic but thought it would help me feel better at work.