DOMÍNIOS CO . PT - Domínio livre para registo - CO.PT é um serviço comercial de registo de domínios, que desde 1999 lhe permite escolher livremente um endereço na internet do género ou, com ou sem Alojamento. Experimente gratuitamente durante 15 dias.
Country:, Europe, PT
City: -9.1394 , Portugal
I am terrified of roaches and grew up with the ones that trapped you in the bathroom and flew around only to get tangled in your hair...shall I continue? Still have nightmares about it, but then I wake up from my horror and remember that there is an invisible force field around my place called BENGAL. Thank you, thank you, Bengal makers. I have been using this stuff for almost 10 years now. It even kills carpenter ants. Rarely find roaches and on those rare occasions they're already dead. Both the the regular and gold label products work GREAT. I recommended it to a friend of mine who had outside roaches around her pool area and to her amazement it worked great! She used the outdoors formula. Bengal is the greatest!!!
It's great being able to control christmas lights in my room from my phone. The socket is in a hard to reach place and was a pain to plug in, this smart plug fixed that. It read my wifi quickly and hasn't lost connection once.