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  • Nathan - "New York City!?!?"

    This is what I think of when I think of salsa... Thick, chunky, a little heat, just right. Everyone has their preferences, but I grew up on Pace and this salsa doesn't disappoint.

  • Elisabeth - Necessary for Harry Potter fans and foodies

    This has become one of my go-to books in meal planning and preparation. It has a large variety of dishes taken straight from the books, such as Aunt Petunias pudding from Chamber of Secrets, Hagrids infamous rock cakes, Cauldron Cakes (which, I discovered while reading, are pancakes!), Buillobasse from Goblet of Fire, and many, many more British delights. I've used the fudge recipes several times, and the recipe is fool-proof (I have very little luck with candy) and is very popular whenever it's served.

  • Dan T Brown - Changed and takes more time not Less!!!!

    One of the main reasons I ungraded from 2013 was the bank feeds. They changed this just to be changing something so they could called it "changed or upgrade" when it is harder to work and takes more time---NOT Easier. In Short I could have stayed with my old version and it would have been less time consuming.

  • Brenda Witt - Take back our Democracy

    This is by far the best explanation of America's long history of being exploited by the billionaire class which is destroying our democracy and how it will take a "political revolution" to return control to the people. Hartmann states that every 80 years the US has had a financial crisis and war brought on by the greed of corporations and the wealthy and the "great forgetting" when all the people who experienced the crisis have died off and later generations do not know this history and unknowingly give up power to the elites. We are now at that point again where the "Robber Barons" are taking away our democracy and we must take it back. This is also what Bernie Sanders is saying in his campaign for President.