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Country:, Europe, CZ

City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • Christi - Good to look for

    Didn't know it was made for Lefties. Good to look for. Still is in great shape today after all these years. Hold's so much! I can take all my school books and go grocery shopping and even tie some bags on the side and be fine. There's a great hook for keys on the side. SO MANY small pockets. Waterproof and easy to clean the inside. The shoulder strap isn't the most comfortable but it was made for a different handed person. Easily Adjustable. Well Made

  • D4N3R5 - Water Pick

    Received it earlier today, and just finished using it. 100x better than my last one, which attached to thew faucet. The pulsing action massages my gums like I've never felt before. Way better than the treatments I get at the dentist. Im hoping this makes the visits much better because the dental tech always asks if I've purchased a water pick. Now I can answer 'YES', LOL. I purchased this item for the price and the fairly descent reviews. The small issues are quick fixes, which are my niche.

  • Danielle - Vary nice

    We needed a carrier for our new kitten. I like the soft sided ones and I like the fact that it comes apart to make storage convenience, but I found most to be over-priced for my needs (only occasional use to the vet or groomer). This carrier is nice quality for a reasonable price. it's big enough for an adult cat or chihuahua size dog.


    SO looking forward to this mouse. I love my classic ergo and based on the early sample these guys showed at eSports arena a while back, I'm super excited to buy it.

  • Molly Ringworm - Awesome set. Great starter set.

    When I was shopping for a complete set of cookware over a year ago I immediately went looking to T-Fal products. This set is great because it provides the basics if you have nothing or a bunch of poor quality pots and pans like I did.

  • Christina Walton - Taste great to

    This stuff is great, after a couple weeks I could really tell the difference. The taste is pretty great as far as protein shakes go for taste!

  • rangelar - GREAT GAME

    this game is GREAT because its a fast set up, gets involved quick and dosnt take too long to complete - which is great for a busy person. you can also play it a few times in a row. i like this version with the fire and ice tokens - it makes it highly competitive. i bought this for my 8 and 10 year old boys and we have been playing it for a month with full enthusiasm ahead. once you learn all the rules, its very easy to play correctly. comparing this against monopoly and life, i like it much more because its quick. monopoly is more educational. life, well, i just think its boring..... both take a long time and take a long time to set up.