dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com Review:


Dual Diagnosis, substance abuse treatment & drug rehabtexas - DAPA in Houston, Texas offers dual diagnosis and, substance abuse treatment, drug rehab, alcohol treatment centers, addiction recovery, and psychiatric service

  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/healthcare-professional/ Healthcare Professional | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Healthcare professionals in the Houston area and throughout the country have been referring their patients to DAPA© Programs almost since the first day we
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/emergency-room/ Emergency Room | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - For many years, hospitals in the Houston area have called upon the professionals at DAPA© when an Emergency Room needs to have a patient placed in an inpatient
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/criminal-justice-system/ Criminal Justice System | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Patients who come to us from the court systems – Probation and Parole Officers, lawyers, drug diversion courts – are in every bit as much need as anyone else we
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/personal-care-and-group-home/ Personal Care & Group Home | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - FOR 34 YEARS, PERSONAL CARE HOME AND GROUP HOME PROVIDERS IN THE HOUSTON AREA Have turned to DAPA© when an individual in their charge is having severe
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/individual-seeking-help/ Individual Seeking Help | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - If your feeling especially desperate at this very moment, please call DAPA immediately or 713-783-8889, or if you are outside the Houston area you can call TOLL
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/friend-or-family/ Friend or Family | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - If someone close to you is suffering from substance abuse or mental illness - or both, as is often the case - your coming to this site could prove to be an
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/religious-organizations-and-spirituality/ Religious or Spiritual Organization | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - At DAPA©, we never forget the importance of spirituality in helping a patient heal, grow and recover. So it’s not surprising that many of our patients come to
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/the-press/ The Press | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - DAPA© is pleased to provide the press with information, news, background information and experts on mental illness and substance abuse. Please contact DAPA at
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/about-dapa/ About DAPA | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Every day, for over 34 years, DAPA - Houston's largest private mental health care provider - has been helping individuals whose lives and families have suffered
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/treatment-programs/ Treatment Programs | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - ACUTE INPATIENT PROGRAM (AIP) - For the patient whose disorders are the most severe, and whose treatment needs are the greatest PARTIAL HOSPITAL PROGRAM
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/treatment-programs/acute-inpatient-program/ Acute Inpatient Program (AIP) | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - The Acute Inpatient Program is designed for people who need a short-term in-hospital stay for crisis stabilization of their condition. The majority have a dual
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/treatment-programs/partial-hospital-program-iop/ Partial Hospital Program (PHP/IOP) | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - PHP AND IOP TREATMENT PROGRAMS: THE PARTIAL HOSPITAL PROGRAM AND INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS These are the most popular and successful programs that we
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/treatment-programs/outpatient-clinic-medication-management/ Outpatient Clinic - Medication Management | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - The DAPA© Outpatient Clinic is our afternoon clinic for psychiatric assessments and medication prescribing and monitoring. Many of the patients we serve
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/treatment-programs/grant-program/ Grant Program | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - We offer grant programs through the Texas Department of State Health Services. The DAPA staff is composed of a multidisciplinary bilingual treatment team
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/senior-care/ Senior Care | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Geriatric patients are often the neglected and forgotten ones... But not at DAPA, because we know that mental illness and substance abuse know no age
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/alcohol-use-abuse/ Alcohol Use & Abuse | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Alcohol is one of the most commonly used psychoactive substances. Problems related to alcohol misuse by major public health concern. It has been estimated that
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/chemical-dependency-substance-abuse/ Chemical Dependency & Substance Abuse | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts Chemical Dependency is defined as the continued use of alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs (cocaine/crack, methamphetamine, speed, heroin,
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/bipolar-disorders/ Bipolar Disorders | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts Bipolar disorder is also known as “Manic-Depressive Disorder.” There is no single cause of Bipolar Disorder, but because it is known to run in
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/major-depressive-disorders/ Major Depressive Disorders | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts In any given year, 9.5% of the population (that’s over 18 million American adults) suffer from a depressive illness. A depressive disorder is not
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/schizophrenia/ Schizophrenia | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts Schizophrenia is a mental illness (disease of the brain) affecting more than 2 million Americans every year. Schizophrenia is wide-spread and can be
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/schizoaffective-disorder/ Schizoaffective Disorder | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts Schizoaffective Disorder is a term applied to individuals who do not fit the criteria for either Schizophrenia or mood disorders such as Depression or
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/anxiety-and-phobic-disorders/ Anxiety & Phobic Disorders | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts Anxiety disorders affect approximately 19 million American adults. Some of the most common types of anxiety disorders are: panic disorder,
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-add-adhd/ Attention Deficit -Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD / ADHD) | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Facts While the exact cause of AD/HD is not known, evidence suggests that the disorder is genetically transmitted and might be the result of a chemical
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/outreach/ Outreach | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - The DAPA Outreach Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An individual is in crisis and the DAPA Outreach Team responds to the emergency call from
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/dna-testing-for-medications/ DNA Testing for Medications | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - DAPA© now presents cutting edge treatment with the ability to test a patient for DNA. A couple of simple Q-tip swabs, and 7-10 days later we receive
  • http://dualdiagnosistreatmentdapa.com/contact/ Contact | DAPA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - THE DAPA WAY - NATIONAL DUAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIALISTS Houston Metro CALL (713) 783-8889 National Toll-Free CALL (800) 828-3272 Email: Jana Bethea,

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