

Marc Dean, MD | Fort Worth, Texas | Balloon sinuplasty - Marc Dean, MD is a board certified otolaryngologist, practicing in Fort Worth, TX, specializing in ear and sinus disease and disorders of the eustachian tube.

  • About Us | Ear Doctor Fort Worth, TX | Sinus Specialist, Texas | Marc Dean, MD - Dr. Marc Dean, MD specializes in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. Call 817-332-4060 to schedule an appointment with us.
  • Marc Dean, MD | Head and Neck Surgeon | Sinus Specialist, TX | Marc Dean, MD - Dr. Marc Dean specializes in the treatment of ear and sinus conditions, sleeping conditions, and head and neck surgeries.
  • Specialties | Dr. Marc Dean | Balloon Sinuplasty | Head/Neck surgery | Marc Dean, MD - Specialties performed by Dr. Marc Dean at Fort Worth Ear and Sinus include Ballon Sinuplasty, head and neck surgery.
  • Stories | Fort Worth Ear and Sinus | Dr. Marc Dean, TX | Marc Dean, MD - Reviews about our office Fort Worth Ear and Sinus and our provider Dr. Marc Dean. Feel free to share your own story!
  • Balloon Sinuplasty | Sinus Relief Fort Worth | Marc Dean, MD - Results of the CLEAR study done to determine the safety and efficacy of the Relieva Ballon Sinuplasty system.
  • Media | Fort Worth Ear and Sinus | Marc Dean, MD | Balloon Sinuplasty | Marc Dean, MD - For news about our office, Fort Worth Ear and Sinus or about our provider Dr. Marc Dean, check out our blog. Feel free to post comments!
  • Request Information | Dr. Marc Dean | Head/Neck Surgery, Balloon Sinuplasty | Marc Dean, MD - To request information about specific procedures from our office in Fort Worth Texas, simply fill out the following form. Our medical professionals will answer
  • Can Loud Noises Cause Hearing Loss? | Fort Worth Ear & Sinus - Hearing loss can occur in your everyday life and you may not even know it. Find out what can cause it, how it's diagnosed and how it is treated.
  • Are You Prepared for Fall Allergies? | Marc Dean MD - Spring isn't the only time allergies produce symptoms. Find out what to avoid to stop runny noses and watery eyes during the fall months.
  • Chronic Ear Infection Treatment | Dr. Marc Dean - Children are susceptible to ear infections, but how can you tell if it's an accute issue or something that needs to be treated?

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • Tobi Zimmerman - Works great

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