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  • About Green Soma Cannabis Oil - Green Soma is a California cannabis oil dispensary. 100% natural, pesticide free & cold-processed. Get pure raw oils: CBDa, CBD, THCa, THC here - Order Now!
  • Cannabis FAQ - Marijuana and where to get it - Cannabis FAQ, Cannabis oils, where to find them plus other answers. CBDa, CBD, THCa, THC. How to buy cannabis. How to get medical marijuana 
  • Raw Cannabis Oil - Order GREEN SOMA Cannabis OIL - Raw cannabis oil is gaining popularity as a powerful treatment for many illnesses as well as a wonderful health supplement. Find out more... 
  • What does Cannabis treat? - Order GREEN SOMA Cannabis OIL - Does cannabis treat health issues? Here's a complete list. Cancer, HIV/AIDS, inflammation, pain, headaches, insomnia, Crohn's Disease, MS, epilepsy and more
  • Contact Us | Green Soma Pure Cannabis Oil - Contact us here about CBD, CBDa, THCa, THC, dabbing oil and questions about raw pure cannabis oil, how to get medical marijuana, joining, wholesale etc.
  • Green Soma Blog | News and Information about Cannabis Oil - Green Soma Blog | Cannabis Oil | Helpful articles about Pure Cannabis Oil: CBDa, CBD, THCa, THC. Medical marijuana breakthrough studies, new products & more
  • Dabbing OIL - THCa Raw Sativa (Blue Dream) - This dabbing oil is the smoothest around. Contains ultra-pure natural cannabinoids with “entourage effect” of natural whole plant extracts. Order Now! 
  • THC Oil Capsules Indica - Order GREEN SOMA Cannabis OIL - California's best and purest THC Oil Capsules Indica - 10 mg Activated OG Kush (Indica) in Organic MCT oil. For relaxation, sleep, pain and nausea.
  • THC Capsules (Sativa) - Order GREEN SOMA Cannabis OIL - THC Capsules Sativa Cannabis oil. 100% U.S. grown - natural, pesticide & chemical free and cold-processed. Activated Medicinal Marijuana - Order Now!
  • THCa Capsules  - Rare California pure THCa Capsules (Blue Dream). Medical grade - not hemp. Raw pure cold-processed marijuana for health issues and motivation.
  • CBDa Capsules | Raw Extract | 25mg in Organic MCT oil - Buy the best CBDa raw cannabis oil (with CBD, THCa, and trace dose THC) to aid treatment of inflammation, cancer and other health issues. Not from hemp.
  • Cannabis Oil for Inflammation and Autoimmune conditions - Cannabis oil is used as a safe, effective treatment for inflammation and autoimmune conditions such as AIDS.  Green Soma Oils for Inflammation - ORDER NOW!

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -96.8217 Texas, United States

  • The Hebrew Hammer - ADOBE is actually just like the word has become adobe only to be washed away by the same clouds it intends to have.

    WARNING DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!! subscription is expensive. I was a loyal customer of Adobe products for over 25 yrs. I recall using a program called ALDUS PAGE MAKER what became I believe INDESIGN. As recently as 10 yrs ago to present I had all the upgrades to their apps as I use 4 of their products. From Photoshop to Indesign to Bridge get the idea. At a subscription of say $19.99 appx for say 4 apps this can get quite pricey. I use all these for business, It was nicer when one used to buy a license and keep the app for the next 7 yrs or so and just buy upgrades. However, ADOBE no longer does that! Nor do they offer customer support. They used to offer long ago customer support. Slowly Adobe has been giving the birdie to its loyal customers like myself. I seriously find it hard to believe the serious professionals making good profit are actually buying into this scam. If you look at this in mathematical terms a professional paying $ 80.00 dlls appx a month for 12 months is $960.00 dlls, imagine this in 3 yrs. Look at it! $2,880.00 dlls. RIDICULOUS! I doubt very much that serious professionals using all these apps will be dishing out this kind of money monthly even if they are doing quite well in this economy WHICH I DOUBT they are. This cuts into profits greatly, now you might be thinking pass the cost on customers. While that might be ideal, if the cost of your business is costing your clientele say half more or or even two times as much to get your services, your customers are going to leave you in the dust. If there are businesses out there actually doing this, well then there must be something wrong with them. No business wants to lose money. But hey if that is your thing I say go for it. I then urge you to keep buying into ADOBE products and good luck to you. There are good alternatives out there to all adobe software, do some research, read reviews be an intelligent consumer. Do not just buy into the cloud because some company says you have no choice. You might be complaining by now I can hear you saying. But I don't want to relearn another application, or its not as good as ADOBE, or clients do not use this other software for example say QUARKS instead of INDESIGN, that you dont care for it. WELL start caring, start educating your clients and your employees to use alternate software. Its a cop out to say one can't or doesn't want to. Again, well if you want then, dish out the money then and lets hope ADOBE doesn't run your business to the ground. Adobe has committed an atrocious thing by going to the Cloud. Sure at first it seems un seemingly affordable at $20.00 dlls rather than a $900.00 dollar license. But slowly but surely the high expense will steal into your profits like virus.

  • SHERRY MUELLER - game that is hard to find

    it is the game that I ordered and I am very satisfied with the game. I would recommend it to other customers. I got it just for a game and not for any kind of cult doings as I do not believe in such things. Was just for the kids to have fun with and they enjoyed it.

  • Donna Lipsey - My concern is how do you know what you receive ...

    My concern is how do you know what you receive is the actual product you ordered. There is no packing information or information about the product. Sealed bag with powder substance which I hope is what I ordered. I'm hesitant to use it in my home.

  • Carolyn - Works for small pinhole leaks.

    It does work. I used it in an Intex 14 foot pool and after a few days, the leaks (pinholes) did stop. Then, I tossed the pool. If you have smaller leaks, I would recommend this product before you try finding and patching them.

  • oldehouself - The Arthritis Cure

    Didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, except that the author has his own line of products. Anyone who is already taking glucosamine & chrondroitin and leading a healthy and active lifestyle doesn't need this book.

  • Christian Castillo - i hate this FAKKEEEEE FAKEE BEWARE

    Fake please dont waist your time like i did... real macadamia is yellow not white and watery never again!!! BEWARE