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  • Dog Lover - works great for killing and repelling ticks

    I wanted to order this again but it's out of stock so I'm trying Cedarcide now. The area I live in has big problems with ticks year round. Wondercide worked better than Frontline Plus and Advantix II. It wasn't 100% but I found fewer ticks on my dogs and even some dead un-engorged ones with this product. I used it every time before a walk and really I think the ticks I did find were in places I missed spraying such as the inside of the ear. The smell wasn't very cedar-like to me. To me it smelled more like chemical, but it wasn't a strong smell. One of my dogs has skin allergies and sensitivity and she wasn't bothered by this at all. Excellent alternative to pesticides and I feel better to keep my dogs and the environment a little healthier with avoiding pyrethrin and similar based products.

  • Rolando Dominguez - Looks amazing

    This quality pin is nicer than I expectedLooks amazing and not cheap. It doesn't feel cheap either. I LOVE it. Fast shipping. Thank you, seller!

  • 734baggins - MS Money Converter

    I used MS Money since 1995 and they just abandoned the product. Typical Microsoft maneuver. Quicken finally stepped up their conversion utility to make it painless to convert, so I did. Easy to convert and most of the functionality I was used to from MS Money. If they could do all MS Money did, they would have gotten that fifth star!

  • VisaliaCalifornia - Real Owner review. Owned for 10months

    Got this for my mother who has 4 cats and a dog. It is amazing how much animal hair it picks up and general dirt. Her house is very clean too. It fills up the on board dump bin every other day with animal hair and I mean it is completely full. I wish could up load of picture of all this hair. The only bad part is you do have to vacum still as the technology is bump and go and you never know where it is going to clean. It does move pretty quick however and can cover alot of area in 1hour but much of it is the same area. When they come out with one with the room mapping tech it will be much better. It doesnt get stuck too often and goes over ruggs without sucking them up. It is easy to clean and it takes about 4mins every 2-3 days. It is a bit noisey so dont think you will use it at night. The battery lasts well over an hour and then it usually finds its dock. If not you pick it up by the pop up handle and set it down near the dock and press power and dock and it goes right in. You can set it to work any or all times and days of the week.

  • Amazon Customer - Great!!!!

    My toddler LOVES this app and roku program. The different channels and shows, everyday she either watches on the kindle fire or on the TV. The original songs are fun and entertaining, just wait, you too will be singing, "I have a ponytail, a pppp ponytail"!! Nursery rhymes and fun ways to learn alphabet and other important life lessons, definitely an app a toddler.

  • Happy Senior - Love this thing.

    I am in love. Got this camera and put in my car. It was super easy to set up. You can play back what you recorded if you need to. Excellent picture on my camera. I mainly got this in case of an accident. I have mine set to record when the motor is running. I also set it so it would go 30 seconds after the motor was turned off. It is set and forget. It has worked perfectly for me. I would recommend it for anyone who wants a video camera for their car.