
L a b o r - The liminal Zone – Tudatküszöb Kiállítók: Szécsényi-Nagy Loránd, Szekeres Ágnes Kurátor: Ács Bálint Megnyitó: szeptember 19. 19:00 Nyitva tartás: 16

  • Információ | L a b o r - A LABOR, mely 2007 szeptemberében a C3 Kulturális és Kommunikációs Központ Alapítvány (C3), a Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója Egyesület (FKSE) és a Magyar
  • Linkek | L a b o r - Partnerek: C3 Kulturális és Kommunikációs Központ Alapítvány Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója Egyesület Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem Művészeti és
  • MARGINALIA / Nicola Guastamacchia és James Proctor kiállítása | L a b o r - Kurátor: Kemal Orta Kiállítást megnyitja: Dr. habil Kőnig Frigyes DLA Megnyitó: 2016. augusztus 26. 18:00      
  • Pics that didn’t happen/ HORDÓS BOLDIZSÁR kártyapartija | L a b o r - HORDÓS BOLDIZSÁR/ Pics that didn't happen A 'Fantasi' kártyajáték debütál a Laborban! Az a sajátságos kultúrharc, amit általában a politika nevében, ellen
  • Robot kiállítás – MOME média design BA II. + Petikid | L a b o r - Megnyitó: 2016. július 9. (szombat) 18:00 óra A Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem másodéves, MÉDIA-DESIGN szakos hallgatói egy őszi kurzus keretén belül bizonyos
  • Stardust and LaserBooms | L a b o r - Kiállító művészek: Leintner Levente, Nagy Gergő, ROBOTTO. A kiállítást megnyitja: GALACTIC JACKSON - DJ SET Megnyitó: 2016. június 30. 19:00 Mindhárom

    Country:, Europe, HU

    City: 21.35 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary

  • Michelle Matteson - Simple and Easy!

    This Tv mount suited my needs well. I was needing just a simple, easy, nothing fancy TV mount for the tv in the spare room. This arrived very quickly and was as easy to install as most other TV mounts. One of the main reasons I decided to purchase this particular TV mount as opposed to others is because this one had a three degree tilt which is great because i hate when a TV is mounted paralell to the wall and creates a glare and makes it hard to view regardless of where your sitiing. With this one the tilt allows you to be sitting in bed and watch TV without any sort of defect in your view and viewing angle. Another main reason I went with this one was because of the price. Before going online to look for a mount i went into a few major department stores looking for one and they were always pretty expensive. This one is almost half the price of the ones i saw in stores AND it tilts and comes with an HDMI chord, when the ones in the stores didn't have either those features and extras. I would however recommend you install one of those recessed wall boxes that you can put the chords through that make them go behind the wall and down out the bottom. I would recommend that with any TV thats installed with a mount that doesn't pull out to extend because it just makes it hard to access the back of the TV if you needed to for any reason. Also i would recommend using your own hardware, but like most things you buy like this the hardware just isn't the best and its no big deal to just use your own.

  • G. Haring - Don't hesitate - just try it (at least the small size to check it out) I'm glad I did

    I have fine thin hair that dries out and breaks easily. I have been using this product for 9 months after a recommendation from my hairdresser and my hair that I decided to use "temporary" color (washes out after 2 months) and I wanted to take the best care if I was going to be spending that kind of money every couple months. It has never looked and felt healthier or shinier. I was a bit leery despite recommendation because of the price - hairdresser had in stock. But like she said you only use a little bit (4-5 sprays) that the bottle lasts a long time. Nice thing is Amazon carries it at a great value. Different sizes - I bought the travel size because when I went out of town I missed having it!

  • CityGirl - Looks great!

    Got it a day earlier than expected, took no time to install, looks terrific, and was $10 cheaper from Amazon than anywhere else. No more RC rat tail! Will update after I run the sound system through its paces. From the other Reviewer, there should be no differences.

  • Kelly Tauscheck - I would recommend this book to any nursing student studying for the ...

    I would recommend this book to any nursing student studying for the NCLEX. I passed the test in 75 questions in a hour and a half with the help of this book. I bought the book and studied the material for three weeks leading up to the exam and completed every question at the end of the chapters. I felt confident walking into the test that I would pass. Then after I passed I gave the book to a classmate of mine and she passed the NCLEX in 100 questions in two hours. I wouldn't use any other study guide than Kaplan.