
K.C.'s Lyme Journey | Lyme can be a gift, it can be turned out to produce courage, patience, integrity and compassion. (Romans 5:1-4) - Lyme can be a gift, it can be turned out to produce courage, patience, integrity and compassion. (Romans 5:1-4)

  • You know you are doing well when… | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - Your biofeedback results only show one infection and a couple toxins. You wake up refreshed, eager to see what the day is going to be like. You are going crazy with wanting to run, jump, play but are "too busy" with tasks to immediately drop them and do what you want. You have a job you…
  • Hello World! – again. :) | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - Sheesh, I haven't written since August! I've been basically feeling good since then!! Some ups and downs. I got another shot of the immune therapy in September, 5 weeks after the first one. I've had a few herxes to certain bugs. Some ups and downs, seem to catch the things normal people get. I've continued…
  • 1 Week of Feeling Better, Adventurous. | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - It has been a week and 1 day since my immune therapy...  First day I felt better.  The days since then I have had a lot more energy/endurance/stamina.  I can tell the mold of the house affects me very specifically.  This isn't fun, but the therapy is definitely working and I feel like I am…
  • Not so much Lyme… | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - I like the idea of calling this MCIDS (Multiple Chronic Infectious Diseases Syndrome) instead.  Maybe Borrelia is the gateway organism, perhaps a different one...  Mind you, no matter what this terrible stuff is called, I still want the ribbon to be "Lyme green."  The first rule is that the susceptibility is in you...not that the…
  • Cheese! | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - Support Snap Crackle Pop - KC Smith I've been working on my ability to tolerate dairy for the past couple weeks.  I've been "coding" one cheese at a time every few days.  I guess I like white cheeses, because I can now freely eat:  Parmesan, Swiss, Mozarella, Provolone and Feta.  Going to keep working on…
  • Fundraiser! :) and…The Thyroid Honeymoon is Over | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - Firstly, Shari set up a fundraiser for me so that I can get some things that would really help!!  Please, if at all possible, donate.  The end date of the Fundraiser is Sept 6.  And please share my page with your friends.  :)  Thanks! Support Snap Crackle Pop - KC Smith It is so sweet…
  • ♥ Thyroid…. | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - So three days ago I got to start taking real but natural thyroid medication. 1 grain. All three days I have had enough energy to do some things. My room is clean...I can see the floor, and even some horizontal spaces other than my bed are clean. bed is even clear! I've gone out…
  • Summer! | K.C.'s Lyme Journey - So.....I got to go to the rally! That went wonderfully. All the other Lymies there and my extremely kind roommate were the BEST! Wow....we understand each other. To me...that was my summer vacation. It was certainly hot enough, LOL. Ok, so my writing skillz aren't so great at the moment. Honestly it is an effort…

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  • Maria J. Mata - skinny quick!

    I love this product, as soon as I got it in the mail I took them I also conbined it with another dieting pill which worked just great, just in time to lose those pounds for this special occasion! I lost the weight I needed with not much exercise but a strict diet, no cheese, no bread, etc. alot alot of water I was very pleased and the results were fast for me, from 150 to 130 in less than 1month. M&M

  • Krista F. - Gazelle ROCKS

    I just got my Gazelle Edge a few days ago and have been on it every day since. My friend comes over before her "real" workout to use it and she loves it! Says her calf muscles are super sore already (after 1 use). My 10 year old son won't get off of it. The best thing about it is the fact that I can work out at home with a super low-impact machine (bad knees), watch TV, and not worry if someone is on my treadmill at the gym. What's better is if I am doing nothing but sitting on the couch I can easily hop on the machine and do something constructive.