

nthompson3 | Journey through the Masters of Communication and Leadership Studies program at Gonzaga University - Journey through the Masters of Communication and Leadership Studies program at Gonzaga University

  • Philosophy of Adult Education | nthompson3 - Nicole Thompson Philosophy of Adult Education Education is an ongoing phenomenon. We never stop learning. It is important to seek new information and understand concepts in new ways. Our education does not end with a commencement program. It grows and blossoms each day as we experience new relationships and events in life. For many people…
  • COML520 Final Paper | nthompson3 - Nicole Thompson May 4, 2014 Gonzaga University COML520 Final Paper Melting Point The United States is a country of hope and opportunity. That is one reason so people many come here from so many other places. You have the freedom to work. You have the freedom to own and operate a business that can grow…
  • Media Analysis | nthompson3 - Media Analysis Name: Nicole Thompson                                                     Date: 12 Sept. 2014 Medium: School Newsletter, Friday Flyer                                                   Identifying Info: St. Patrick School of Terre Haute, IN sends a weekly newsletter to update the parents and staff on school happenings. Form of Media Experience: Friday Flyer via email distributed by Content of Media Experience: The principal and…
  • Media Comparison | nthompson3 - Nicole A. Thompson COML 516 Gonzaga University Media Comparison Sept. 25, 2014   The Medium is the . . . The “medium is the message,” “the massage,” the “mess age,” and the “mass age.” McLuhan, Fiore and Agel gather and list the effects of media on us (1967). In doing so they enable us to…
  • Leadership Should be a Good Thing | nthompson3 - Nicole A. Thompson Dis-ease Paper Module 1 Leadership Should be a Good Thing January 29, 2014 ORGL 500 Leadership Should be a Good Thing Having a basic idea of what leadership allows one to understand how to evaluate leadership to recognize and understand a leader’s ineffectiveness. Looking through journals and books it is clear that…
  • Philosophy of Leadership | nthompson3 - Nicole Thompson Gonzaga University ORGL 500 March 1, 2014 Philosophy of Leadership Leadership Philosophy For the past nine years I thought that my leadership experience began in 2005 while working on my undergraduate degree in education. I was a non-traditional student and had never been a leader in the past. With maturity on my side,…
  • Critical Analysis Essay | nthompson3 - Thompson Critical Analysis Essay COML 504 April 1, 2013 Deviating From the Script: A Content Analysis of Organizational Dissent as Portrayed on Primetime Television looks at primetime television’s portrayal of organizational dissent and the way it affects viewers perception of real life. When an employee has a disagreement or difference of opinion about a workplace…

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  • Corina Acosta - Great value ! Five stars

    Great game at a great price. Very easy to play even for my five year old. Graphics are great and Amazon offers it at a great price! Pro evolution is a great product and deserves five stars

  • Amazon Customer - "What the hell are you waiting for"

    This product is legit. I had to submit a drug test for pre employment, so I quit intake immediately. I had two weeks clean by the time I gave my sample, it states that you only need to eliminate toxin intake for 48 hours before using, so I certainly did not test that theory. But trust me, this must have still worked, because I needed more than two weeks even though I was very adamant about trying to flush my system by my lonesome( drinking copious amounts of water, cranberry, green tea, ect.) I followed simple directions, read a lot of these reviews and all I could about product before buying and using. But I promised to myself that if I got the job, I would write a review on how this saved my butt. And here I am, thank you QCarbo32. Only regret is that I bought this from GNC and it is way cheaper through I actually ended up taking on the wrong day, when I was misinformed of when test would be, and had to buy it twice. So I shelled out over $100 and still am giving this a five star review. Gotta spend money to make money. But with that being said you tell me if I think it was worth it... Like I said, in the words of Chester Bennington, what the hell are you waiting for?

  • JJ_K - Gross

    Wait is this book supposed to be a terribly written rom com with a dash of drama and intrigue? I can't even comment on the thriller/aspect because my mind was dulled by the inane, sexist portrayals of the main characters. This is a book where lines like "even a lesbian would react to the raw tesetosterone that pumped into the air around him" live. It was distractingly, embarassingly and overwhelmingly patronizing. I mean, this soppy book is essentially a pissing contest where every macho male character is tripping himself to protect and rescue the poor little lady who no one can believe is a doctor because SHE IS JUST SO SMALL!! wait what? Is that a thing?? For effs sake, multiple men (as if one wasn't enough), literally lean over and kiss this distinguished doctor on the forehead like she is a child who just tripped over her braids and scraped her knee. Can Dr. Campbell please go apprentice with Lizzy Gardner please, thanks.

  • William Markey - low quality from day 1

    I've owned 3 disposals. They last around 3 years before they start leaking and then you need a fast replacement. This one is by far the worst I've owned. It just doesn't do a thorough job of grinding up what u put in. Then it sits there and starts to smell. Avoid

  • Dana L. Courtney - Hard to tell

    I have been using this for several weeks, but I really haven't noticed a difference. I can say that I didn't have any loss like others did.

  • tara smith - I learned more from this book regarding how to break ...

    I learned more from this book regarding how to break down questions, than I did in the first three months of school. Buy it.

  • Robert A. Nelson - Seems to be okay

    Bought mostly because of the price and favourable comments from users. So far it seems not to interfere with normal computers activities, though sometimes it takes several tries to get it to allow a software install or whatever