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  • Corporate Angel - Life isn't user friendly... Enjoy

    What's not to like? The special effects are stellar, the movie uses science (truth yet twisted for its and your benefit) and it entertains throughout! Ever since the Matrix we find that life isn't "User Friendly" we are but a virus of this planet but what do we know ...because what's 80 years out of (billions?)?

  • Nathan W. - Temporarily Cleared check Engine + ODB code p2238light Toyota Solara 2004

    Oh man, I was amazed at this stuff!!!!! I bought a used 2004 Camry Solara 4cyl from a private party.. I noticed it had a weird almost grinding like sensation in low gear forwards and in reverse.

  • Bill M. - Great book, unfortunate ending.

    Well written, great story line. Do not really care for "cliff hanger" story lines. Quality of work does not require such.