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Country:, Europe, AT

City: 16.3667 , Austria

  • K. Angelica - Not helpful

    This book had some useful information concerning the structure of the GRE exam, but overall, it was useless. The online practice exams were filled with typos, incorrect answers, and incomprehensible questions. Online exams were repetitive, and come questions were incomplete.

  • MB29 - Don't waste your money

    The alarm clock sat for a month before we started to use it so it has only been in use 4 weeks. It is broken. It no longer tells time, the numbers are even broken up, you can't set the alarm or time, and the nightlight rarely works. Its a piece of junk and I feel like I wasted my money. It was pretty expensive for the cheap quality. My two year old just loved it so he is pretty sad now.

  • Margaret - A bunch if gossip,bunches,and hearsay Boring!

    This book was not only boring but very poorly written. Filled with typos and misspellings, but worst of all the ridiculously long run on sentences. Most sentences had no less than 25 words in them. By the time I finished a sentence , I could no longer remember what it was supposed to be about. It read like a long,very bad tabloid rumor -mongered story. Most annoying to me was that "I Love Lucy" was written as 7 Love Lucy or / Love reason given, so I'm just assuming this was typos of the worst kind!