qiohlc.blog.cz Review:


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    Country:, Europe, CZ

    City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • ann short - Walt Longmire is a real western sheriff hero.

    Craig Johnson is an amazing writer. None better. His characters, plots , scenery description put you right in the picture. He includes sadness that breaks your heart and the very best dry wit and humor to lighten things up again. I hope there are many more great stories to come.

  • Josh - I love all the settings it has

    MY kids aren't ones to sleep in swings. This puts swings on a different level. I love all the settings it has. Makes putting my kids down a lot easier. Very easy to install right out of the box. The sounds are great and you can even add your own MP3. It also doesn't take up much space, so it's easy to put in any room. Great product. I realize how important a good review is to a buyer. I give honest and heart felt reviews on products that a purchase and receive. I base most of my purchases on reviews so I understand that it is fair to be completely honest on reviews. That being said I hope this review will help a buyer with his or her decision to buy or not buy this product.

  • Laura D. - Buyer beware

    At least with this product I was able to find what seeds were in this mix, but I also bought the contractors mix. I fulled 2 small pots with my yards soil and sowed the seeds of each product into the pots, labled them, and waited. Four weeks later I had no grass from this mix growing at all! It certainly does nit give you the greenest lawn in town.

  • success - Skin rashes_ Ex Brand partner

    I was a brand partner . I have the ability to outsell if not everybody just about everybody in the industry honestly, but I have moral standards to live by and paid back money to brand partners out of my own pocket who could not make it .