
sympathomimetic | Life is too short for downers. - Greetings! I have set up this blog as an informal and (hopefully) entertaining reference for anyone who wants more information on pharmacology, or is just interested in how drugs work.  This is not by any means a textbook analysis of pharmacology, nor an official reference. Rather, it is an idea borne from the observation that…

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  • Amazon Customer - Bugs just love 'em

    They work as advertised! I live in the woods in NE Florida and these on the Skeetervac are the ticket to being able to use my back yard, which is surrounded by woods. Horse flies, yellow flies, gnats, and mosquitoes cover it within two weeks. I change them every two weeks and the scent block every two months. Can't live without it in Florida.

  • Paul - Perfect

    I ordered this and it was easy to install - don't really need the instructions, it's so nice I need to update the knobs on the doors now, similar ones thousands of dollars.... Very happy