takesthevillage.com Review:


Utah Photography BlogLeslie Hunter PhotographyUtah Photography BlogUtah Photography Blog%C - Utah family photographer and blogger. Based in Davis County Utah I document my family life and the lifes of many other Utah moms and families through photography.

  • http://takesthevillage.com/utahfamiliyphotographer/ Meet the Photographer — Leslie Hunter Photography%C - Leslie Hunter is a Utah Family Photographer based in Davis County Utah. She has been featured on KSl's Studio 5 and is one of the best photographers family photographers in Utah.  Leslie also is the Author of the "Mother's Guide to Photographing Your Children" which gives easy practical advice to turn any amateur photographer into a pro in no time. 
  • http://takesthevillage.com/photo-pricing/ Photo Pricing — Leslie Hunter Photography%C - A pricing Guide on Canvas and Prints for photography.  We offer the best pricing around and will provide custom sizing to meet your needs.  Ask about our custom canvas walls to turn your family pictures into a gallery for any space in your home.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -74.0203 New York, United States

  • Elizabeth Donahue - Microsoft Publisher doesnt work with the key is entered. I must need a disc

    I am so very frustrated with the Publisher I received. I have now tried the product key after following the directions exactly and it shows that it was downloaded but it will not open at all. If it isn't able to be fixed I will have to return it and go to a store to see if I can get something that will actually open and work.

  • Bonnie - cannot get it to work

    I bought, downloaded and installed publisher and it is not working. I have no way to contact amazon or microsoft support to get it to work. The only options I have when trying to use it are, add or remove features, repair, remove, add product key and not one of them seems to fix the problem. I downloaded and installed it so not sure why I cannot pull up the program to use it.

  • E. Lenze - I enjoy the comedy and the issues she speaks about in ...

    Luvvie speaks truth in this book. I enjoy the comedy and the issues she speaks about in this book. Listening to the narrative of this book had me pausing before I went to the next room, clapping and saying yes in a room by myself. Already thinking of family members to give this book to.

  • Scott C Clark - Junk!

    Mint.com actually supports more financial institutions, works better, and is free. I've used quicken for 10 years but switched 2yrs ago. I thought I'd give it another try after 2013 version came out. Oh well. It's close but perhaps a few more version down the road I will try it again.

  • Cole! 7.9.15 <3 - DO NOT RECOMMEND

    There were several grammatical errors was well as answers/ explanations that didn't line up correctly.

  • SistaBNYC - Finally figured out how to use this stuff!

    I have natural kinky curly hair (3c/4a) and tried this product years ago but didn't like it because it dried incredibly hard and crunchy. After much experimentation, I found that the key to using KCCC without crunch is to make sure hair is clean and conditioned, section it off and apply products in this order - Knot Today, Coconut oil (or your favorite), then KC Curling Custard - sparingly. That's it. The addition of the oil seems to have eliminated the hardness and added shine.