tbhthepill.wordpress.com Review:



TBH The Pill | TO BE HONEST – THE PILL | your free prescription to a network that reaches out to women who have had bad experiences on oral hormonal contraceptives - TO BE HONEST - THE PILL | your free prescription to a network that reaches out to women who have had bad experiences on oral hormonal contraceptives

  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/6-reasons-why-the-pill-shouldnt-be-made-over-the-counter/ #6 Reasons why the pill shouldn’t be made over-the-counter | TBH The Pill - Still unconvinced by our previous post? We have compiled a list of reasons why oral contraceptive pills should be regulated and not made available over-the-counter. With so many oral contraceptive pills on the market and a lot of medical jargon, choosing the right pill to suit you can be confusing. Doctors are qualified to prescribe…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/the-pill-without-a-prescription/ The Pill without a prescription? | TBH The Pill - Continuing on from our last blog post where we discussed the accessibility of oral contraceptive pills to young adolescent girls, today’s agenda will cover the overall accessibility of the pill in Australia. Since 2012 the National Health (continued dispensing) determination act has allowed the contraceptive pill to be made available for emergencies over-the-counter without a prescription.…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/10/24/so-easy-even-a-twelvie-could-buy-the-contraceptive-pill-in-australia/ So easy even a twelvie could buy the contraceptive pill in Australia | TBH The Pill - TBH when I was 12 I still thought avocados were a vegetable and that cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis. Needless to say, I was not prepared to grab myself a pack of pills to take everyday for the rest of my life until I wanted to fall pregnant. 17, 38 whatever age you…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/10/15/when-acne-meets-the-pill/ When acne meets the pill | TBH The Pill - Acne, those dreaded spots that invade your complexion and attack your self-esteem leaving you defenceless to their aches and scars. For those causalities, GPs and dermatologists often pigeon hole us into using oral contraceptive pills as a weapon for acne prevention. And when we’re desperate, we fall into the trap of taking the prescription and…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/10/06/natural-lifestyle-changes-to-treat-your-pcos/ Natural lifestyle changes to treat your PCOS | TBH The Pill - PCOS symptom relief alternatives to The Pill Instead of popping pills charged with synthetic hormones everyday, opt for more sustainable alternatives, such as changes to your diet, essential oils and perhaps acupuncture. "DITCH THE PILL AND DIET" Instead of resorting to prescription pills, focus on lifestyle changes, which can improve PCOS symptoms. For instance, this…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/wrapping-up-pcosawarenessmonth/ Wrapping up #PCOSawarenessmonth | TBH The Pill - September was a month that gave women the perfect excuse to wear teal nail polish, all while embracing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and raising awareness to it. With over 198 tweets this year, #PCOSawarenessmonth was able to reach people from all corners of the globe – from the United States to South Africa to China…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/jessica-biel-ive-been-on-the-pill-for-so-long-how-hard-will-it-be-to-get-pregnant/ JESSICA BIEL “I’ve been on the Pill for so long; how hard will it be to get pregnant?” | TBH The Pill - Not only is she a beauty in blockbusters and a baby-mamma, but Biel is also empowering women all over the world to get in touch with their bodies! In a collaboration with Saundra Pelletier of non-profit organisation WomenCare Global, actress Jessica Biel is speaking from experience to educate women about their bodies. This project aims…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/whos-profiting-from-the-pill-bayer-the-big-bad-wolf/ Who’s profiting from the pill? Bayer the Big Bad wolf | TBH The Pill - Our previous post mentioned a host of oral contraceptive pills from Yaz to Zoely to Micogynon. In spite of their deceptively different names what these pills have in common is that they are ALL manufactured by a small handful of pharmaceutical companies including - Bayer, Teva and Watson. The most controversial of the pharma moguls is…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/09/15/why-are-there-so-many-freaken-pills-around/ Why are there so many freaken pills around? | TBH The Pill - Ever wondered why there are so many damn pills on the market? What’s the difference between Brenda and Juliet? Why is she on Diane and while you’re on Zoely? From experience, I was prescribed Zoely merely because my GP was in abundance of Zoely sample packs (how convenient). After my first appointment I was given 2…
  • https://tbhthepill.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/the-pill-what-are-you-swallowing/ The Pill – What are you swallowing? | TBH The Pill - The saying you are what you eat should not just apply to food, but also to the medication you consume. Women take oral hormonal contraceptives like Tic Tacs, with no questions, no worries. I mean why wouldn't you? Doctors give them away like candy. When it comes to food, you watch the sugar and fat…

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  • Fran - Trick or treat 😁

    Definitely a Treat.... thanks Alexa Riley to giving us yet again another sweet and hot story 😁 I can't wait for the next one 😘

  • Brandon - So Far, So Good

    This isnt really a review of my overall results, but more of first day experience. I read some that said the side effects were really bad so I was a little worried about trying them for the first day on a work day. That being said, I started with one pill. It definitely did give me a solid stream of energy. I took it at 7:45 this morning and I am still energized at 4:10. I have not been jittery at all. It seems like I have been more focused at work. So far so good. For the record, I am usually slightly sensitive to caffeine which is why I was worried but no issues to speak of on day one. I will update with results and any changes.

  • charissa francisco - Anyone who knows how to convert the celcius to fahrenheit ...

    Anyone who knows how to convert the celcius to fahrenheit? My daughter played with it and i lost the instruction manual.

  • ArjayInOregon - One of my favorite PC songs

    No real review meat; I just didn't have this song in my collection from my CD days, added it now. Decent quality, though I sometimes wish Amazon would start offering non-lossy compresssed files for sale, to let us recompress as desired.

  • Amazon Customer - Five Stars

    this fit just like glove...weather tech floor mats are a must have to protect your investment...very easy too clean

  • Marceluwool - Deception...

    It's funny the first times you play it, then one day you discover you don't need to actually DANCE, you just have to move your right hand, which is the ONLY part of your body that is tracked by Kinect in this game.