ww.siakad-online.com Review:


Sistem Informasi Akademik Kampus GRATIS! | SIAKAD ONLINE - Siakad Online (Sistem Informasi Akademik - Online) adalah suatu sistem informasi akademik yang dibangun untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna dalam kegiatan administrasi akademik kampus secara online, seperti proses Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB), pembuatan kurrikulum, pembuatan jadwal kuliah, pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS), pengisian nilai, pengelolaan data dosen & mahasiswa.

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • meeks - Excellent Study Guide

    I highly recommend this product as a GRE prep tool! It's not going to miraculously teach you information that you've never learned, but it's great for making you feel prepared to go into the test. It gives you all kinds of little tricks and tidbits as to how the test works. I highly recommend it.

  • Lucy Lassiter - Three Stars

    Not so satisfied, not easy to operate, this one is a refurbished phone, constantly rebooting, most inconvenien t!!!!

  • Dexter R. Eng - Earthmate GPS new 2010 LT-40 on ASUS Netbook 1000HE

    I received the new Earthmate 2010 LT-40 as a gift and installed it on a ASUS 1000HE netbook computer. Was concerned after hearing of others having problems, but am very pleased that I can report it worked for me out of the box, did not need to read manual or instructions, although I have no experience. I set up address book of places that I wanted to visit (zip codes work best for finding addresses), from and to addresses, reviewed the map routes, program generated directions and looked over the surrounding area, then installed the USB GPS which had no problems in 2D or 3D consistently receiving 7 to 10 channels of data, and drove the routes that I had planned. Voice directions worked fine, path history, automatic recalculation when I missed turns all worked well. Great product, easy to install and use at a very low cost. Nice gift to go with a netbook computer.

  • Amazon Shopper - Just ok

    Just an ok product. For a child's constipation relief, you'll be better off buying a regular prune juice from the supermarket. Not the Gerber kind or "baby juice" alike but the kind adult drinks. Works best. You can dilute it w/ water if you like but most effective w/o.