www.aetnabetterhealth.com Review:


Aetna Medicaid Administrators LLC - Aetna Medicaid is a Medicaid managed care organization focused on improving health outcomes for those we serve. We have health plans across the US. Aetna Medicaid has particular expertise in serving high-need Medicaid members, including those who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare and those who need long-term care services and supports.

  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/who/ Aetna Medicaid - Who we are - As an experienced leader in the managed care industry, Aetna Medicaid provides care solutions that empower people in their own health care.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/what/ What we do - Aetna Medicaid - Aetna Medicaid is local knowledge and national experience. We are dedicated to enhancing member and provider satisfaction. We state-of-the-art tools and technology to achieve cost savings and help members attain the best possible health.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/plans/ Aetna Medicaid health plans by state - Aetna Medicaid owns or administers Medicaid managed health care plans under the names of Aetna Better Health, CoventryCares and other affiliate names. Together these plans serve more than 2 million people in 16 states, including Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Texas.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/what/members Our members - Our vision is to deliver programs that promote hope, recovery and wellness in every aspect of the member experience–from engagement to treatment, service delivery and customer service.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/who/leaders Senior leadership - Our executive leadership has an extensive background in the health care industry. Pam Sedmak is the chief executive officer of Aetna Medicaid.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/virginia/ Aetna Better Health of Virginia - VA Medicaid Services & Resources - Access Virginia Medicaid information and more with Aetna Better Health of Virginia. Find a provider or access drug & formulary info online.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/westvirginia/ Aetna Better Health of West Virginia - Welcome to Aetna Better Health of West Virginia. Members and Providers can get all the information they need in one neat place.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/who/values Values - At Aetna, we conduct business using a clear, strongly held set of core beliefs that reflect who we are and what you can expect from us. Integrity, Excellence, Caring, Inspiration
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/what/providers Our providers - Aetna Medicaid collaborates with providers to deliver care that strives to meet cost and quality goals.
  • https://www.aetnabetterhealth.com/what/programs/ Our programs and services - Aetna Medicaid's programs and services are versatile and innovative - vital elements to managing today’s complex medical environment.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -72.6531 Connecticut, United States

  • Savvy575 - Hopeful User!

    I do not normally use a lot of different ingredient-filled products on my face (makeup, cleansers, creams, etc). I prefer to take a minimalist approach these days and use just a few simple natural products as my main, multi-tasking beauty standbys. I learned (the hard way) from my experience as a growing teen / young adult that the more I applied to my skin in the form of powder, foundation, lotions, face washes, toners, and so on, the worse my skin began to look and the more cover-up I needed in the form of powder & foundation, which required cleansing with face wash, followed by toner, lotion etc. It was a viscous cycle! I started with perfectly clear, beautiful skin as a teenager, but it is hardly any wonder that I ended up with an acne problem! I was messing with my skin's natural pH and ability to breathe underneath everything I was applying. Combined with a diet that went astray around the same time, my skin had a lot working against it.

  • zephead - Great Except for Sync Feature

    Started out OK with this version. Tree sync worked at first. Been having problems with sync about 7 weeks. Just downloaded the FTM update today (11/29/2012) and a sync fix was included but the sync crashed again today. I'm disappointed because I love the reports on the desktop version. The online version is easier to update (photos included). I like to do my work online and them sync to the desktop. I wish the programmers could get it together.

  • Raymond R. Yap - Didn't believe it would work at first

    This was just recommended by a friend. Although I did not really have a big problem with bad breath, I did have occassional bouts with it specially when I eat certain types of food or drink coffee. What intrigued me was my friend saying it will remove bad morning breath which I could not believe.

  • Joseph Goulah - The install was easy and the unit works quite well

    This range hood was everything I expected. Locally they were more expensive and had a lower cfm rating. The install was easy and the unit works quite well. One question, are there LED replacement bulbs for this product?

  • Embo - Super fast healing!

    I absolutely love this lotion! I recently got a medium-size tat which ran over my wrist onto my hand and involved a fair amount of finer lines, etc. Thanks to After Inked, it has healed at twice the speed of my earlier tat and -- barring the differences in location and size -- with far less overall aggravation and itching. Even after applying generously for a minimum of 3-4 times a day over 4+ weeks, I still have at least half the tube left.

  • Maid Marion - The best

    I will never use another conditioner again and I have no stock in WEN :) I do not use this as a shampoo on a daily basis due to my fine, heavy hair - but I have used it as a conditioner everyday for the past 3 months and my hair looks fantastic. It is healthy, has movement, the color lasts longer and above all - the SHINE!! I have tried the fig, the sweet almond mint and the cucumber aloe now and I think I like the sweet almond mint the best. I have also used the styling creme and the wax stick - both good products if you are not looking for a strong hold - because they are conditioning as well. Also - no need to use as much as the bottle states - I use 2-3 pumps on my below shoulder length hair and it is plenty. I also use it weekly as a deep conditioner/mask and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. And can you believe the list of ingredients? This is so good for your hair that it will thank you. I can only imagine this product would work even better on thick, coarse, dry hair.

  • Gordon S. Tompkins - RIP OFF

    Item received is NOT a Vacu Vin product but instead is a cheap knock off copy. Pump will not pull enough vacuum to make the stopper click and hold a vacuum. This is a bait and switch sale by a less than reputable subcontractor to Amazon. Need to return this cheap crap product and have my purchase price refunded!