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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.8671 Illinois, United States

  • Yummy Mummy - Stopped working

    I LOVED this product when we first got it and used it daily! After about a month and a half it stopped working and I was outside the "return window". It's been sitting in my closet since then with hopes of it one day miraculously working again. It hasn't. And it's so disappointing. I really did like it - with four kids and a dog it would be useful again.

  • The Doctor - Worked as advertised

    Bought this for my sons school project as we needed a burner to boil water. There were reviews that mentioned the smell of smoke and I had that too. However, (to me) that was just a new electronic appliance doing its thing where you smell that electric smell or see a little smoke the first time you use it. After that, no smell, no smoke, works perfectly.

  • Sarah - Probably fake

    I've been an avid user of this product for well over a year. As soon as I opened this, I could tell something was wrong. It didn't leave my hair feeling silky, didn't smell the same, had a bit of a different color. This product has to be fake.

  • Olozbal - Six months and I'm done. Experiment failed

    I invested the time and money to make this work and after six months I'm punting on this thing. I'd be able to put up with all the drinks not tasting like the brand names, having to hand wash the bottles, and buying expensive Co2 bottles and flavors, but the problem is this thing doesn't save you a dime. In fact I spending more on the stuff for this thing than I would be on soda. And we're not a soda family but we do drink a lot of flavored waters and such.