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  • http://www.edizionisur.it/sotto-il-vulcano/21-10-2016/cerco-parole-presto-la-mia-voce-conversazione-silvia-sichel/ «Cerco parole o presto la mia voce», conversazione con Silvia Sichel | SUR - Un’intervista a Silvia Sichel, che in oltre vent’anni d’attività, ha tradotto circa ottanta titoli tra romanzi, saggi e racconti per varie case editrici.

    Country:, Europe, IT

    City: 11.8833 Province of Arezzo, Italy

  • PhilipGearSolid - NO ETA on HDR

    The second Sony listed feature for this TV's Amazon product page is "Enjoy HDR video... (update required for HDR compatibility)." And just recently on Sony.com this TV has been renamed to X700D 4K HDR with Android TV, added to its list of TVs with HDR functionality, and HDR is now peppered everywhere its product page. However, to quote their site: "In order to watch HDR videos from Internet video services, the TV would require a firmware update via the Internet."

  • thirsa - works great!

    Works Great! Easy and Fast! holds my baby in tight. Just be careful... does not fit all tables with skirts. My table has a skirt but not at the end of the table. There is still table top after the skirt and this made the chair not fit. It worked with wnother table that is similar but the table top afer the skirt was deeper which allowed the chair to fir properly. make sure you buy with free return option just in case. LOVE THE BUILT IN BACK POCKET FOR BIBS!

  • Vertfleur - Excellent Moisturizer

    Very nice moisturizer. I really like the dispenser top and it is not greasy. I use in conjunction with a Vitamin C lotion and definitely my skin is looking better. I spend a lot of time outside, so a good moisturizer is essential.