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  • 1uvakine - WOW!

    I have only been using this gel for about four days and already I'm seeing results! My hair tends to curl and hide under my skin, plus it's usually thick hair. I have had an ingrown hair for, I don't even know how long - probably years, I always had a huge bump and I would try to dig out the hair with no luck. After two days of using this gel, all of the sudden, a long hair emerged from this bump in my skin and the bump finally went away! I recommend this to everyone ... I am buying more for my friends and family!


    I purchased 2 of these tv's (24" 1080P) in Jan 2012....One quit in 9 months....sent it back for warranty replacement early Nov 2012...today is Jan 10 2013....and NO TV.....!!!! Have called customer (NO) support NUMEROUS time...and get the same run around...."we don't know anything"..."we can only send the factory emails and wait for a response and that may take 3-4 days"...."there is no other dpt, just us, you can't talk to them, only us"...and on and on and on.....!!! Been waiting 2 MONTHS for that call....!!!!


    I bought this for my 11mo and 3yr old. The 10mo is slightly annoyed by it, the 3yr old thinks it is fun. Either way, it sucks snot. I would have given this 4 stars because it looks like over priced plastic tubing, but something about the design makes the business end extremely easy to clean. You would think a tube that had been Jackson Pollock'ed with snot would be a PITA to clean, but once you get water flowing down it the snot seems to cling to the water and slide out. So maybe some engineering did go into the over-priced tubing. I even over-flowed the business end one time and the next component had to be cleaned. Still a breeze. It snaps apart and a little soapy water does the job. I live in one of the top 5 cities for worst allergies, so I expect to get my money out of this. Maybe it will even help the kiddos sleep better with clear noses.

  • Gil Bardsley - poor tax software

    I found the the software to be cumbersome and lacking of many of the TurboTax features. The IRA 8606 routines were tedious and hard to work. My worst experience was when I returned the product and was charged a large fee for putting the software back in the vendors storage. I was also shocked to see that I had to pay for returning the software. There should be a note telling someone that there will be such charges. I have been with Amazon for years and find this to be my first bad experience.

  • Maria Pompa-Leonor - Best Fat Burner out there!

    Let me just start by saying that i DID NOT get this product on a discount for my reviews like other reviews here on Amazon. After reading the reviews i was skeptical to buy it because first is over $30 and second my body cannot tolerate fat burners. I looked at the label and google every single ingridient! I decided to buy it also because i follow on social media Michelle Lewin and she has been promoting it. Well i have been taking this now for almost 2 weeks and this thing is awesome! Best fat burner on the market right now! It does not make me jittery like other fat burners, does not give me a headache, basically everything they advertise on it it is TRUE! I was skeptical to buy it but i am so glad i did it. I do not weight my self but people are already noticing that i am loosing weight. This product is a great addition to my BCAA and glutamine. I totally recommend it ofcourse i work out every single day and i do try to eat healthy. I will be purchasing the the CARB one today. I hope is as good as this one!

  • Evelyn - Great toner cartridge

    I admit I had reservations about using a remanufactured toner cartridge. I read all the reviews and decided to try it. I couldn't be more pleased. I have been using it for a while and have printed a lot, I would say at least 1500 pages and it is still going strong. I have already order more cartridges.

  • Big Dave - Hard to find Kava

    Kava is for relaxation and Slight anxiety. I have Restless Leg Syndrom, trouble staying in bed. Kava is part of my night-time meds. It helps. European studies said if you take a lot of it it MIGHT be harmful, so the USA recommended it be hard to find and buy. I've taken it for years with ne side effects. 2 pills 1 hour before bedtime.