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  • Review This! - great tablet

    got in perfect condition, everything works great. it is a very fast tablet and they just updated to android 4.4.3

  • Sewcrazy60 - AcuRite 613 Hunidity Monitor

    If you're looking for a nice looking, easy to read Humidity Monitor and don't care about accuracy, this is the unit to purchase. I bought two to keep track of humidity in different parts of homes I watch during the summer months in Florida. After installing new batteries in each, placing them next to each other over night, I had a temperature reading of each at exactly the same. The humidity between each other ranged from 4%-5% different. I contacted AcuRite about the humidity discrepancy and they said their units are guaranteed to be accurate between each other, up to 10%. If 10% is the best they can do, they need to get out of the humidity monitor department. If I knew these units were that inaccurate, I would never have bought them! I'll be looking for a more accurate company/model and purchase them. The old standard goes into effect here, "You Get What You Pay For". At $9.98 each and free shipping, I should have known better!

  • stansfld - Best yet from OneRepublic!

    My favorite group of all time. First time listening to this I would have only given it 4 stars but each and every song grows on you the more you listen to them so I give it a strong 5 star rating.