www.paramiloidose.com.br Review:


ABPAR – Associação Brasileira de Paramiloidose - Site da Associação Brasileira de Paramiloidose criada para apoiar os portadores de PAF (Paramiloidose – Polineuropatia Amiloidótica Familiar) atualizado com os últimos estudos – Vyndaqel – Tafamidis, ALN-TTR02 e ISIS-TTR Rx.

Country:, South America, BR

City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • Julie Blain - only product I'll use

    Of course there are cheaper products out there, but not for my skin. I use this product daily along with the Murad moisturizer. I have extremely sensitive skin to any colorants/perfumes and this product never gives me any irritation. My skin is clear and luminescent. Other than the cost, I can't say enough good things about the product.

  • LMSL - What a great, inexpensive way to brew coffee or loose tea

    What a great, inexpensive way to brew coffee or loose tea! Place it into your mug, add about a tablespoon of coffee, or a teaspoon of loose tea. Add boiling water, let steep to your desired strength, and enjoy. It's that simple!

  • Amazon Customer - Wanted the extra features

    Google Maps, Bing maps, etc. just don't have all the features this software has. I like it for route planning and adding stops is really easy. Also like the excel import feature for when I have a long list of addresses. I downloaded the trial version from Microsoft and for whatever reason it was cheaper ordering the physical DVD-ROM over a digital download and entering the serial number from it to the trial to activate it.

  • Sydney Bark - FUN.

    It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.. I get tired very quick with this but it's a good workout and to have a laugh. I use the mobile contoller, which at one point I ended up accidentally throwing it across the room where it hit the wall. The mobile controller basically only detects your hand movement but it still works. If you can get Just Dance Unlimited, GET IT.

  • Daniel A. Borg - EXCELLENT re-master. had to get used to different sound ...

    EXCELLENT re-master. had to get used to different sound of some music and voices compared to movie version, but I think this version, which was the first (JCS was originally just going to be an album, not opera, or movie) IS the DEFINITIVE version. Will listen too it over and over.

  • Keli Mcclour - 4 cats+ 1 dog + 3 humans= FLEAS

    This product is simply amazing! I will NEVER have another flea problem as long as this stuff is on the market. We had a flea infestation and kept buying expensive bottles of spray. I tried every spray on the market, peppermint oil, salt in the carpet, and night lights with water bowls underneath (that catches some,but not enough). NOTHING worked until this stuff. I highly recommend wearing mask and goggles, even though it doesnt advise you to in the instructions. If you dont have them, they are available for cheap at your local hardware store OR on amazon! While i was brushing it into the carpet I had a box fan blowing on me to keep the dust from suffocating me. The dust makes it a little hard to breath, but it settles very quickly. I kept my animals and kid upstairs while I brushed downstairs. Afterward, I let the animals/kid come down (it was totally safe) while I continued treatment upstairs. The house simply felt cleaner! The fact that we didnt have to get a hotel overnight while I bombed the house or contact an expensive exterminator was a major bonus!! At the risk of sounding like a hokey infomercial: THANKS FLEABUSTERS!!!