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  • Fran - Hard to work with

    I have had nothing but problems with this blender. It is almost impossible to get the small blender component off, once you have got it on. With the larger component the motor works sporadically at best. This is the second blender I bought from Amazon that died, so I think I am giving up on blenders.

  • Andrew Lee - An Excellent Quality Product

    I took the advice from someone I knew who took the Niacin (B-3) CAPS on a daily basis. The person took a capsule worth 1000mg of Niacin daily which he purchased from Amazon. He specifically sent me the Amazon page showing me the advertisement for the Twinlab Niacin (B-3) CAPS with 1000mg capsules. I wanted to purchase a brand that had a capsule worth 500mg but was looking around Amazon for different products to choose from. I decided to purchase the "Twinlab" brand and was not disappointed. The Niacin came to my location very early within the time frame given. The package was securely wrapped and protected in which it was shipped. The pills came in a large white pure crystalline form and I was very satisfied with the quality. The pills were also very easy to swallow.

  • Abigail E. Allen - Chubby from a back injury

    I took this. It made me feel full at dinner. I couldn't eat much at all.. not even a reasonable amount. Then in a few hours I was freaking - shaking from needing food.. I couldn't take more pills because it wasn't a mealtime and also I knew I needed nutrients. Because my body was freaking out I ate more than normal. I am not a big eater anyway so this isn't really my solution. This is good maybe for a overeaeter or binger who can't control their eating habits but what happens when it wears off? Should I have popped some more? I never feel hungry like that.. I was shaking. Just eat high fiber foods and you actually will give yourself nourishment and not feel over hungry.

  • A. Q - I hope the company never goes out of business!

    I don't really care for the strong smell, but this is just one of those items you always need to have on hand. I've never used the soap on a daily bases but my family has been using it for years. I have sensitive skin, I can only use unscented laundry detergent and special body soaps or else I get itchy and break out. I've never had problems using this soap even on the most sensitive areas. I pretty much use it like it's a medicated soap. If I get a little itch or smell it immediately works. After using it I always feel fresh and the smell doesn't linger long.

  • Alta Miller - Excel for Dummies

    Loved the book. I use it as a reference all the time. Whenever, I forget anything, I just look it up and finish my job.