www.tornabuoni-italy.com Review:


Tornabuoni - Borse e accessori in pelle - Tornabuoni, dove la tradizione incontra l'eleganza. Pellame conciato al vegetale in Italia. Vieni a scoprire il nostro negozio online!

  • http://www.tornabuoni-italy.com/home/chi-siamo/ Chi siamo - Gfc è una giovane e dinamica pelletteria nata nei pressi di Firenze in località Osmannoro. Fin dai primi anni la pelletteria è cresciuta seguendo la vera arte..
  • http://www.tornabuoni-italy.com/home/pellame/ Pellame - Il pellame utilizzato per i nostri prodotti è prevalentemente conciato al vegetale, il tipo di concia più antico. Questo pellame è uno dei materiali italiani...
  • http://www.tornabuoni-italy.com/home/contatti/ Contatti - GFC S.r.l. Siamo aperti dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9 alle 18. Puoi contattarci direttamente tramite...

    Country:, Europe, IT

    City: 11.8833 Province of Arezzo, Italy

  • Nancy J. - Didn't work

    I bought the whole set of Hoyle games - Card games, Board games and Casino games. I was able to download the Card games and Board games but I couldn't get this disk to download, no matter what I did. I should have sent it back but I waited too long. Bad me. Regardless, It really irks me to get a product that doesn't work. I gave it two stars because I should have followed througn.

  • Good, but WARNING - Good, but WARNING

    Good review book (great for cramming high yield stuff before 1st and 2nd year exams as well as before the USMLE), but be warned -- the index is missing from the 2000 edition. It's downloadable from the web, so it's not that big a deal. Not a good sole resource for Boards review, but still an important one to have.

  • C. osborne - Airaid for Ecoboost *****

    Have had this unit on my rig for 1 month now and increased my economy by 1-2 mpg. I was getting 15 mpg city, where I get at least 16 now. My hwy was 65 mph - 21 mpg now 22 mpg with airaid. Seems a little snappier with airaid but cold weather really affects this engine, runs waaay better in milder temps. Overall satisfied with purchase.

  • Charles McLain - Love the product

    Love the product. We live in a area where we have a lot of power outages so we place these where they can be grabbed in dark. Safer then oil lamp.

  • Amazon Customer - Not Knocking Amyway

    I own this book. I started recently recently, thinking I was going to get a history of Amway, but what I most got was a whole bunch of words that sounded like it was plucked straight from an advert. "Amway: the Truth Story of the Company That Transformed the Lives of Millions" is full of fluff. There is very little of value here and is absolutely not worth the price. Unless you're in the organization, and you are gung ho, you will as a reader find this to be very boring. Because, once again, it sounds like one, huge advertisement, trying to recruit you into Amway.