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  • A. Kolva - Starting to feel human again....

    Over the last several years I have developed a gluten and wheat intolerance, GERD, IBS and sinus problems. A nutritionist recommended looking into Candida. After some searching online I came across Threelac. A coworker and I split the cost and are sharing a box. I started to notice a difference in my digestive problems within the first week of taking Threelac. I've also noticed a decline in sinus problems. I have experienced symptoms of candida die off, but the overall experience has been positive. I typically take 1/2 a packet after dinner. It does make me very tired, and I am typically ready for bed around 9. I have noticed a decline in the severity of my acid reflux, as well as a smaller reaction to food containing gluten or wheat. I have yet to go on a candida diet, but plan on doing so in the near future.

  • Nemeth - Not really your time and money

    I bought this book thinking it would help me prepare for the gre. Wrong. This book gives a very simple and quick overview of each section and just skims over the math portion and is completely useless if you are trying to refresh any math concepts. Their mini-review sections only contain 5-7 questions each and then their are two 60 question practice sets which are helpful but again, they don't cover all of the concepts. The CD that comes with the book is from another decade..there are some typos, you can't print the extra practice sets and the math was freakishly easy and I know that ETS would never ask such easy questions. Save your time and money and buy the Barrons Essential Words for the GRE and buy the NOVA gre math prep course if you really want to do well on the test.

  • Amazon Customer - keep in mind that my feet were BAD! I listened to everyone's reviews and soaked my ...

    keep in mind that my feet were BAD! I listened to everyone's reviews and soaked my feet before hand and let it sit with my feet on the floor for an hour, then washed. About a 5-6 days later they were peeling but the really bad parts were stubborn so in another week or so (about 2 weeks after the first treatment) I did it again and it worked like magic! There was no pain! The hard, dead skin that i'd had for years and years finally came off and my feet were beautiful! Very happy with the results but kinda bummed I had to use both in my 2-pack to get the result i did. Will buy again though to keep up on it so that wont happen again :)

  • Gerry - Casi Cielo

    Purchased the coffee for my husband who is not a big coffee drinker but really likes this one. Good purchasing experience.

  • Ron Penn - Best coding & Billing textbook out there.

    Best Coding & Billing textbook out there. I wish all schools used this one. Very straight forward step-by-step method to accurate and correct coding. Uses up-to-date codes and methods. Comes with online support and exercises.

  • Kristina Mercado - For anyone chronically suffering and Docs can't help...

    Donna gates and all of her research has changed my life as well as a lot of my friends who I have introduced this book to. My one friend is about 70 years old and was on the verge of diabetes, she lost 20 pounds in a month and is Kickin butt. I also battled candida and figured out through this book how to manage it. I don't follow it like a Bible as I should because of will power but I do my best to incorporate as many of these habits as I can and I've noticed as I get older it's easier once I know what I am doing to my body and getting used to new habits takes some time. The results will help you stick with it because looking and feeling fabulous well feels fabulous! Thank you so much, I recommend this book to everyone, yes everyone haha.