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  • Judy Friedman - Colloidal silver is the ingredient that causes it's effectiveness. ...

    Colloidal silver is the ingredient that causes it's effectiveness. It is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It works, for sure. Works on toe nail fungus, bug bites, rashes.etc. My husband is using it for a 20 year stubborn case of lichen planus on his legs that he has tried EVERYTHING to effect a cure. Emuaid is clearing it up! HOWEVER, BE AWARE PROLONGED USE OF COLLOIDAL SILVER CAN CAUSE ARGYRIA. That is a blue discoloration of the skin that is permanent... caused by exposure to the sun on areas treated with colloidal silver. Ingestion of colloidal silver can result in generalized blue-gray discoloration of the skin. I know of NO reports of blue skin from this product. Emuaid states there have been no reports... But do not everuse it. Research argyria and colloidal silver and use with caution. The first ingredient of this product is argentum metallica. That is silver. I do think Emuaid should publish a caution regarding the possiblity that this might occur with prolonged use. However, I have also read reports that it cannot occur with the new smaller nano particles used in modern preperations. I have questioned Emuaid regarding this repeatedly...with NO RESPONSE. Bottom line: Emuaid does what it says it will do!!! But use with caution.

  • KBoy - Better formulation compared to others

    I prefer formulas such as this one that use lactose as their sweetener, as that is closer to breast milk. (It is astounding how many formulas use complex sugars in their formulation.) I like that this one is closer to the composition of breast milk.

  • M&M - Works great

    I use this with my BOB and it worked great with my carseat. I used it when the weather was a little chilly and it was too cold for my daughter to sit in the actual stroller. I did run with it. It's about the same except the stroller is heavier.

  • Raider - This little light rocks!

    I could not believe how much light this little thing produces. You'll have to see for yourself. I have no complaints or recommendations for any changes.

  • Patricia - Great bra

    I have several of these bras. It's comfortable, fits well, the butterscotch color is a good neutral, and it works with all my clothing necklines. The ones I bought in a store were wrinkle-free, but those I ordered online required vigorous steaming to remove creases in the foam as they are packaged folded in a tiny sealed bag.